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Discussion Can cantho help and fix this

  • Thread starter Deleted member 28839
  • Start date
Do you think it would fit or look uncanny
Dude, fuck. Study more on the site. It would depend on the surgeon and on your specification to him. And you can only give a good specification if you study looks theory by yourself. Go learn about proportions. Don't trust professionals.
It’s really cheap, from what I know. As for proportions - you should show the doctor how you want your eyes to look. Morph yourself or just find photos of people with good canthal tilt
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #8
It’s really cheap, from what I know. As for proportions - you should show the doctor how you want your eyes to look. Morph yourself or just find photos of people with good canthal tilt
Thats the thing . Idk how much degrees of ct i can put on because i dont want it to look uncanny. What examples of good canthal tilt do you know?
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