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Can growth plates still be open at 18?


Aug 10, 2024
I just recently became 18 years old and im afraid my growth plates have closed but im not sure im around 5,8 and its a diabolical expirience, i just found about banded sleeping and im trying it even with the risks i dont care i hope i can reach 1-2 inches in few months, i just hope my plates arent closed. My father says he grew at 19 (about 4inches) so i hope i am a later bloomer too (cope)
Bro, I don't know much about this, but I really want to help you. I need to know when you started puberty at what age and are you European or of another race?
All 18 year olds hope that the plates are not closed, me included. Yes, they can be open. I’d get it checked. It is done by wrist skan I believe. Ask a doctor
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Bro, I don't know much about this, but I really want to help you. I need to know when you started puberty at what age and are you European or of another race?
So im european yes my father is around 5,7 and my mother too wich blows my mind i see people at 6’ and up and when i ask them their parents height they always say 5’5 or lower im cursed… i never noticed a big spike in my height from a young age it was slowly from 14 to 18 i think
European Caucasians tend to have later growth spurts, it's possible your growth plates are in the earlier or mid stages of ossification.

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