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Can i look like this? (the guy with the earbuds)

Maybe trained your neck too and have the same style as him?
No, you need a way more prominent brow ridge which isn’t going to happen. He also looks quite tall and good looking for an asian so he’s likely mixed with some other superior race.
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  • #10
No, you need a way more prominent brow ridge which isn’t going to happen. He also looks quite tall and good looking for an asian so he’s likely mixed with some other superior race.
thats me bruh i edited my face but i can still look good right or nah? ;-;
thats me bruh i edited my face but i can still look good right or nah? ;-;
My bad, I think you have potential to look decent but probably not a HTN+ or anything like that. What exactly did you edit? I guess if you got the same haircut and blasted steroids you could get close.
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  • #14
My bad, I think you have potential to look decent but probably not a HTN+ or anything like that. What exactly did you edit? I guess if you got the same haircut and blasted steroids you could get close.
i lowered my eyebrows down and removed my hyoid fat from that pic, im good with high mtn but can i be an htn by any chance? naturally?
i lowered my eyebrows down and removed my hyoid fat from that pic, im good with high mtn but can i be an htn by any chance? naturally?
Naturally likely not, but if you somehow got that brow ridge and lower third with steroids or cosmetics then yes it’s possible, probably would be a Chang even.
No, you need a way more prominent brow ridge which isn’t going to happen. He also looks quite tall and good looking for an asian so he’s likely mixed with some other superior race.
Doubt he’s mixed Asians are getting taller it’s just the lack of diet
Every generation is getting taller as well though. Asians who stick to their more traditional diet will also not reap the benefits. If they move to America and eat the school food (which is terrible for health but unironically would help them grow.), they are bound to get taller
Every generation is getting taller as well though. Asians who stick to their more traditional diet will also not reap the benefits. If they move to America and eat the school food (which is terrible for health but unironically would help them grow.), they are bound to get taller

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