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Can one zygomatic bone be higher than the other one ?

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Deleted member 128

So I just noticed that my right zygomatic bone is a little bit more prominent than the left one and I don't know what to do to fix it.
I have the same thing where my left is more prominent than right. Reckon it's either the level of fat deposits being slightly different on both sides of the face. Or theres literally more bone growth in one of them. If both are decently protruding, no one's going to care or notice if there's any assymetry with your zygoma.
Slight asymmetries are actually normal. I think you shouldn't really stress out about it. It's probably just something that you noticed because you're nitpicking your face too much, people really don't notice it unless it's really really evident. But if you're really curious, then it might be because of teeth extractions, biting more on one side or palatal imbalances because of recession or improper mewing.
I have the same thing where my left is more prominent than right. Reckon it's either the level of fat deposits being slightly different on both sides of the face. Or theres literally more bone growth in one of them. If both are decently protruding, no one's going to care or notice if there's any assymetry with your zygoma.
Here are some pics, different lighting and ones cleanshaven but you can see the difference, however vids of me show that it’s literally completely unnoticeable in motion which is what matters

yes, but it is jaw assymetry. Maybe u have scoliosis or any other skelettal problems?
make x ray scan of your skull
it is not only 1 bone problem, as a rule. My right zygoma was very recessed(from side profile it looked like low setted eye, also i had an overbite. I've been mewing, chewing, swallowing for 5 moonth. What i got
Maxilla come up and forward, exacly right recessed part(now can touch it bone at my face(from side i see triangle of this bone). That low setted eye started to be normal look. My front teeth can be in contact without jutting my lower jaw forward. Even lower jaw became wider and better look.
Time is more important than force (c) Mike Mew.
It really works. I was very recessed boy, now i am half-chad.
Keep mewing guys
yes, but it is jaw assymetry. Maybe u have scoliosis or any other skelettal problems?
make x ray scan of your skull
it is not only 1 bone problem, as a rule. My right zygoma was very recessed(from side profile it looked like low setted eye, also i had an overbite. I've been mewing, chewing, swallowing for 5 moonth. What i got
Maxilla come up and forward, exacly right recessed part(now can touch it bone at my face(from side i see triangle of this bone). That low setted eye started to be normal look. My front teeth can be in contact without jutting my lower jaw forward. Even lower jaw became wider and better look.
Time is more important than force (c) Mike Mew.
It really works. I was very recessed boy, now i am half-chad.
Keep mewing guys
maxillary asymmetry is possible not just jaw asymmetry.
back sleep and keep your head straight
Bullshit! Stop coping, you deformed rat. It doesn't matter in which position you sleep. Your sleep position can't change your bone structure.
yes it can.