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Changing eye shape?


Aug 11, 2024
So I have neutral but slightly positive canthal tilt eyes. Brown eye color with nice eyebrows almond shape?. Idk they are nice shaped tho. So my question is why is it that in the morning my eyes are normal and when I come home they are deadass pointing downwards all round and circle shaped. So UGLY. Am I jus retarded and this is not real or has anyone else experienced this? Idk brah, how tf u fix ts. It's obv temporary but wtf makes it like dat ヽ(`д´;)/
So I have neutral but slightly positive canthal tilt eyes. Brown eye color with nice eyebrows almond shape?. Idk they are nice shaped tho. So my question is why is it that in the morning my eyes are normal and when I come home they are deadass pointing downwards all round and circle shaped. So UGLY. Am I jus retarded and this is not real or has anyone else experienced this? Idk brah, how tf u fix ts. It's obv temporary but wtf makes it like dat ヽ(`д´;)/
ur face is probably puffy in the morning which makes them look more slender. the eyes u have coming home are ur normal eyes and yea same I look a Chinese chick when I wake up lol
ur face is probably puffy in the morning which makes them look more slender. the eyes u have coming home are ur normal eyes and yea same I look a Chinese chick when I wake up lol
This. Eyes in the morning look more vertically narrow due to fluid retention and relaxed facial muscles that cause mild swelling around the eyelids. You need surgery for permanent hunter eyes.
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ur face is probably puffy in the morning which makes them look more slender. the eyes u have coming home are ur normal eyes and yea same I look a Chinese chick when I wake up lol
True dat but then why is it that next day when I come home my eyes do not look round and they look normal. Like why it do that
ur face is probably puffy in the morning which makes them look more slender. the eyes u have coming home are ur normal eyes and yea same I look a Chinese chick when I wake up lol
Why the heck did this girl get banned?
she started raging and posting hateful threads with slurs in it
then she self requested a ban
Seems to me like she was on here trying to be a ball buster. Thinking she's something special.

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