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Chat gpt did a diet for my leanmaxx/debloat. Can you help me with an affordable version? My height is 166cm and my weight 45. Don t wanna lose or gain

I walk 20.000-30000 steps from monday to friday and I burn 1600-1700 kcal in a day according to my phone
Also how many bananas a day?
I walk 20.000-30000 steps from monday to friday and I burn 1600-1700 kcal in a day according to my phone
Ela…. It’s not bloating, ur clearly living a healthy lifestyle so it’s impossible for facial bloat
your chubby face is because of face fat
I know ur pretty lean and underweight, but the reason for the face fat is baby fat, it will go away in ur low 20s
Ela…. It’s not bloating, ur clearly living a healthy lifestyle so it’s impossible for facial bloat
your chubby face is because of face fat
I know ur pretty lean and underweight, but the reason for the face fat is baby fat, it will go away in ur low 20s
I am 19 already...I am active but I only eat unhealthy foods sadly. I have a sweet tooth