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Info Chico is Half Asian


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2024
Look, Chico is brazilian, a land of mixture between natives, whites and blacks. Chico have the extra appeal of being half Asian. Thats were is eyebrow, eyes, and soft bones came from!

By mixturing the right Asians features with other ´´races`` features, you create a psl better then the other due to ´´exotic`` vibe.
Look, Chico is brazilian, a land of mixture between natives, whites and blacks. Chico have the extra appeal of being half Asian. Thats were is eyebrow, eyes, and soft bones came from!

By mixturing the right Asians features with other ´´races`` features, you create a psl better then the other due to ´´exotic`` vibe.
No he is white just had low PFH
He looks like any other guy I’d see on the street, don’t know what this guys appeal is.
Because he looked very attractive when he was younger
He looks like any other guy I’d see on the street
You don't meet people like that on the street, he just isn't striking


This is by no means an average face + height combo

No where is this the any other guy on the street
Because he looked very attractive when he was younger

You don't meet people like that on the street, he just isn't striking

View attachment 33313

This is by no means an average face + height combo

No where is this the any other guy on the street
He looks like some random asian guy who has a nice haircut and is lean. I would never look at him and think he’s considered the most attractive guy ever. Also that pic is frauded like crazy, it’s a perfect camera on runway lighting with no lens distortion.
random asian guy
No he does not. I don't get why you westerners say he looks Asian when his undertones are literally worlds apart from Asians.

he’s considered the most attractive guy ever. Also that pic is frauded like crazy, it’s a perfect camera on runway lighting with no lens distortion
He isn't the most attractive obviously because it is subjective, he is up there though for some people. He is also more female gaze.


Real world appeal is more important
Look, Chico is brazilian, a land of mixture between natives, whites and blacks. Chico have the extra appeal of being half Asian. Thats were is eyebrow, eyes, and soft bones came from!

By mixturing the right Asians features with other ´´races`` features, you create a psl better then the other due to ´´exotic`` vibe.

Living in brazil
No he does not. I don't get why you westerners say he looks Asian when his undertones are literally worlds apart from Asians.

He isn't the most attractive obviously because it is subjective, he is up there though for some people. He is also more female gaze.

View attachment 33314

Real world appeal is more important
“Real world appeal” doesn’t exist. If you’re good looking girls will like you. HTNs with soft features and coloring are more likely to slay online because girls virtue signal a lot, hand to God 99% of girls take Pneumo over O’pry. Hell, even like 50% of girls would say you mog O’pry if I asked. In real life though it’s so much different.
“Real world appeal” doesn’t exist. If you’re good looking girls will like you. HTNs with soft features and coloring are more likely to slay online because girls virtue signal a lot, hand to God 99% of girls take Pneumo over O’pry. Hell, even like 50% of girls would say you mog O’pry if I asked. In real life though it’s so much different.
I meant that 99% of girls would take Pneumo over O’pry if I asked them on snap or something.
“Real world appeal” doesn’t exist.
Yes it does.

If you are attractive women will like you, it's a very simple concept?
hand to God 99% of girls take Pneumo over O’pry.
This literally proves what I said...

I said real world appeal matters more

But you are saying Francisco is literally "every other guy on the street" which literally isn't true. Many women thinks he is very attractive. There are many fan fics out there that are starring him on the covers etc.
Yes it does.

If you are attractive women will like you, it's a very simple concept?

This literally proves what I said...

I said real world appeal matters more

But you are saying Francisco is literally "every other guy on the street" which literally isn't true. Many women thinks he is very attractive. There are many fan fics out there that are starring him on the covers etc.
He is any other guy on the street though, you would never look at him and think he’s the best looking guy ever. Like I said, a woman finding a man attractive doesn’t mean shit. Timothee Chalamet is an actual HTN and there are girls who fan girl over him like crazy. I’m talking about attractiveness here, Chico is attractive, he’s a HTN. But you’re acting like he’s some 7.5Psl, he’s not even close.
But you’re acting like he’s some 7.5Psl, he’s not even close.
Where did I say this though? I just said he wasn't average, because he isn't

He is very attractive
Chico is attractive, he’s a HTN.
HTN based on? Women have been simping for him a decade ago.

If someone is extremely attractive, goes out and gets attention easily, has immense dating success as a man but doesn't fit what you think looks "7.5 PSL" it doesn't make him HTN.

Whether you are MTN, LTN or HTN is all based off how much dating success you have in the real world or how good you simply look.

Meanwhile Jordan Barrett up here who has more striking face is not getting any attention

Because I made it clear

you would never look at him and think he’s the best looking guy ever.

Non-striking features does not equal immediate HTN

Life of a HTN aka any other guy on the street
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Where did I say this though? I just said he wasn't average, because he isn't

He is very attractive

HTN based on? Women have been simping for him a decade ago.

If someone is extremely attractive, goes out and gets attention easily, has immense dating success as a man but doesn't fit what you think looks "7.5 PSL" it doesn't make him HTN.

Whether you are MTN, LTN or HTN is all based off how much dating success you have in the real world or how good you simply look.

Meanwhile Jordan Barrett up here who has more striking face is not getting any attention

Because I made it clear

Non-striking features does not equal immediate HTN
yeah, even sean was walking with them at that time, he appears in some takes. And both he and jordan are ignored. Completely ignored. Chico mogged PSL gods, literally.
Look, Chico is brazilian, a land of mixture between natives, whites and blacks. Chico have the extra appeal of being half Asian. Thats were is eyebrow, eyes, and soft bones came from!

By mixturing the right Asians features with other ´´races`` features, you create a psl better then the other due to ´´exotic`` vibe.
His maxilla from the side looks pretty east asian tbh 1720898689101.png

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