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Discussion Chico symmetry

  • Thread starter Deleted member 28839
  • Start date
pretty close to perfect symmetry thouhg
and it's possible via genetics only
It’s just slight ratios off n chit
Even the most perfect face isn’t perfect
He almost is 100% symmetrical, at least when he was younger. But obviously no one is absolutely perfect so one feature on one side of his face may be off by .01mm
he’s about 95% symmetrical I think
You'd think higher cause I've seen photos of him where people flip his face inverted and normal many times back and forth and there is absolutely no observable assymetries
Maybe 96-97? 100 would look mega uncanny though
Is chicos symmetry perfect? Like i know everyone has asymmetry to a certain degree but he has no visible asymmetries. How is that possible?
Normal good symmetry
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