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Method Chintucking... a good decision?


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2023
I am trying to chintuck and I am wondering if this is a good choice. Chintucking is where you rotate your head inward creating a double chin. The theory is that it will decrease the size of your double chin long term, while making it larger only temporarily.

Reasons I am chintucking:
- I am an incel
- I am a hyoidcel (forward hyoid that isn't raised enough)
- Too much of a sloped recessed forehead
- Chin doesn't protrude out enough
- No jawline definition due to crappy hyoid placement+masseter muscles are too big
- I have neck pains when I'm at the computer
- I have neck pains when I'm laying down in bed no matter what posture i have or what size of pillow i use. Chintucking seems to help so far

- I am unable to mew by putting back of my tongue on the roof, will chintucking provide similar results to mewing?
I am trying to chintuck and I am wondering if this is a good choice. Chintucking is where you rotate your head inward creating a double chin. The theory is that it will decrease the size of your double chin long term, while making it larger only temporarily.

Reasons I am chintucking:
- I am an incel
- I am a hyoidcel (forward hyoid that isn't raised enough)
- Too much of a sloped recessed forehead
- Chin doesn't protrude out enough
- No jawline definition due to crappy hyoid placement+masseter muscles are too big
- I have neck pains when I'm at the computer
- I have neck pains when I'm laying down in bed no matter what posture i have or what size of pillow i use. Chintucking seems to help so far

- I am unable to mew by putting back of my tongue on the roof, will chintucking provide similar results to mewing?
Palate expander. Chin tucks are for head posture. Do neurecerinal therpy for increase results as well as chewing.
Pls get ur spine checked u have some spinal nerve issue
feels like we need a high quality mustread chintuck thread tbh, i cannot find any threads devoted to chintucks
It’s mostly a thing on reddit and org. You could definitely research and test it though
