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Choose which hair colour would boost me objectively. Also is this hair length ok? Is this lipstick ok or a bad shade. Makeup is lipstick+mascara

this is my personal preference, but I do not like bushy eyebrows, I don't think anyone ever have looked better with them.
Thanks. Any other advice?
Not atm, maybe next pics a good lighting is needed so you can appeal with your green eyes, because on these ones it look like you have brown eyes

Brunette and darker hair gives you Sofia Vergara vibes imo
Not atm, maybe next pics a good lighting is needed so you can appeal with your green eyes, because on these ones it look like you have brown eyes

Brunette and darker hair gives you Sofia Vergara vibes imo
Sadly I haven't gotten yet to have some professional pics made. Like even the "professional" pics of my school were shit...they just wanted their money.
Also when I made the pics he asked me why I have no makeup(i had just some broken mascaRa and lip oil) and said I will dull and tired
He didn t mean it as if he said i were ugly. He said from a professional point of view. You Need the right lighting and all that to look good without makeup in this type of pics. Idk how to explain. I mean this is what I found out online. If he said I were idc and idk
this is my personal preference, but I do not like bushy eyebrows, I don't think anyone ever have looked better with them.
Taylor hill brooke shields.
Honestly I don t like the thin brows I have here