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.com vs .org


Just learning
May 19, 2024
What are the difference between this site and I never went on there and found out it existed because someone shared a link of that site in a thread of here. Everytime I search for looksmaxxing only this forum appears so I thought this was the only one it existed.
What are the difference between this site and I never went on there and found out it existed because someone shared a link of that site in a thread of here. Everytime I search for looksmaxxing only this forum appears so I thought this was the only one it existed.
larger community

more information

subhumans who rot for critizing incels to prove their ego
smaller, better, less toxic, more knowledgeable community

less but essential information

actually people who want to improve themselves
Sorry it's
.org is funnier but there are also good threads as well. Community is slightly toxic so that’s the only advantage .com has
Hell no. We have 26k members org has 35k. There are far more knowledgeable people on org and many more people who have done surgeries.
What I mean is that the disparity in members isn’t that large
Hell no. We have 26k members org has 35k. There are far more knowledgeable people on org and many more people who have done surgeries.
90% of org's population is people who rot, 10% actually knows about looksmaxxing

50% of .com's members is people who rot, 50% actually knows about looksmaxxing
90% of org's population is people who rot, 10% actually knows about looksmaxxing

50% of .com's members is people who rot, 50% actually knows about looksmaxxing
obv the percentages of people who actually know about looksmaxxing are much smaller on both sides
obv the percentages of people who actually know about looksmaxxing are much smaller on both sides
Most of the org rotters know a decent amount of looksmaxxing
Most org users for the most part that has switched here dropped must read threads on the first day
Most of the org rotters know a decent amount of looksmaxxing
its not much different here though, my logic is that .org is one of the first results in the search bar of tiktokcels who search for looksmaxxing
its not much different here though, my logic is that .org is one of the first results in the search bar of tiktokcels who search for looksmaxxing
my point isn’t that but if you interact with org more than here you will become more knowledgeable than if you learned from here
90% of org's population is people who rot, 10% actually knows about looksmaxxing

50% of .com's members is people who rot, 50% actually knows about looksmaxxing
What do u think where do i fall 🧐
larger community

more information

subhumans who rot for critizing incels to prove their ego
smaller, better, less toxic, more knowledgeable community

less but essential information

actually people who want to improve themselves
They have more knowledge botb threads are way better than must reads but thats like the only good thing about there and we mog in everything else and we are way better
larger community

more information

subhumans who rot for critizing incels to prove their ego
smaller, better, less toxic, more knowledgeable community

less but essential information

actually people who want to improve themselves
Aka .com is for white pillers. .org is for black pillers
larger community

more information

subhumans who rot for critizing incels to prove their ego
smaller, better, less toxic, more knowledgeable community

less but essential information

actually people who want to improve themselves
>more knowledgeable

XD on what planet
larger community

more information

subhumans who rot for critizing incels to prove their ego
smaller, better, less toxic, more knowledgeable community

less but essential information

actually people who want to improve themselves
>subhumans who rot for critizing incels to prove their ego

No, it's just called "being realistic" which this forum is severely lacking in
People here are retarded softmaxxing copers.
The must read section is more of a joke than .org's BOTB, most threads there are literally just copy pasted soy pop science articles or direct copies from .org
People here are retarded softmaxxing copers.
The must read section is more of a joke than .org's BOTB, most threads there are literally just copy pasted soy pop science articles or direct copies from .org
Not even most tbh, f**k it, all of them are either of those
People here are retarded softmaxxing copers.
The must read section is more of a joke than .org's BOTB, most threads there are literally just copy pasted soy pop science articles or direct copies from .org
ye a few of them are mid imo, its not all bad tho
Youve been at this shit for 6 years and you dont know what "black pill" means yet?
Lol if you think this place is blackpilled


Blackpill: "Genetics Rule Your Fate.

"Reasoning: The idea that genetics predetermine your success, attractiveness, and life outcomes, leading to a fatalistic outcome

Goldpill: "Effort Shapes Your Destiny!


While genetics lay the foundation, it's your actions that build the structure of your appearance. Genetics might give you a starting point, but through consistent effort and self-improvement, you can significantly enhance your looks. It's over when you say it's over.


Call it pure COPEIUM. I AND MANY OTHERS od on HOPE and at the end of the day it's more motivational and equally as knowingly aware of what setbacks life's has

The gold pill is the blackpill just evolved.

We know what must be worked on and we don't lay down and rot. We ascend. We don't hate. We share ideas and we don't become toxic waste of human beings who are racist and deadends. We ascend mentally and spiritually


The goldpill will last and overtake the black just watch boyo.
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People here are retarded softmaxxing copers.
The must read section is more of a joke than .org's BOTB, most threads there are literally just copy pasted soy pop science articles or direct copies from .org
My ultrasound Cavitation thread deserves to be on must read tbh :p

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