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Considering chin filler


Jul 3, 2024
Hello 👋 I have been considering getting chin filler but I cannot tell if my selfies look super different from other camera views. Can you guys be honest and let me know if this is a good idea or if i need to do something different? IMG_7628.jpeg


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first off post a side profile

2nd, I think that you need slightly more than chin filler. Chin filler isn’t really a great option for many reasons:
1. Filler is designed to replicate soft tissue such as lips and fat pads, not hard features such as bones (like your chin).
2. Filler can migrate, giving you a saggy area under your chin which will not look good.
3. Filler is not permanent, and you will have to get it redone many times.

In my opinion, you need a sliding genioplasty. It is a procedure which moves the chin forward and gives it a better, more balanced appearance instead of being recessed.

However, the chin is only 1 of your problems. I would say that the main thing throwing off your aesthetics is your very long midface. This can be fixed with bimax, which will not only improve your midface but also give you better forward growth of the jaws.

Thankfully, it is common to do both a bimax and genio in the same operation. This is sometimes referred to as trimax. I would suggest looking into trimax.
You look decent enough... I wouldn't get any kind of surgery unless it was to fix something crazy, but thats me.
I’m not trying to be rude to op but there are definitely a few things less than ideal, I don’t blame her
first off post a side profile

2nd, I think that you need slightly more than chin filler. Chin filler isn’t really a great option for many reasons:
1. Filler is designed to replicate soft tissue such as lips and fat pads, not hard features such as bones (like your chin).
2. Filler can migrate, giving you a saggy area under your chin which will not look good.
3. Filler is not permanent, and you will have to get it redone many times.

In my opinion, you need a sliding genioplasty. It is a procedure which moves the chin forward and gives it a better, more balanced appearance instead of being recessed.

However, the chin is only 1 of your problems. I would say that the main thing throwing off your aesthetics is your very long midface. This can be fixed with bimax, which will not only improve your midface but also give you better forward growth of the jaws.

Thankfully, it is common to do both a bimax and genio in the same operation. This is sometimes referred to as trimax. I would suggest looking into trimax
Amnesia has been getting chin filler for years now and never had any problems. The odds of filler migrating is low, especially for the chin which is the lowest part of the face so where could it migrate to? And honestly I think in the one picture she is suffering from lens distortion, I really don't think her midface is that long
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  • #6
first off post a side profile

2nd, I think that you need slightly more than chin filler. Chin filler isn’t really a great option for many reasons:
1. Filler is designed to replicate soft tissue such as lips and fat pads, not hard features such as bones (like your chin).
2. Filler can migrate, giving you a saggy area under your chin which will not look good.
3. Filler is not permanent, and you will have to get it redone many times.

In my opinion, you need a sliding genioplasty. It is a procedure which moves the chin forward and gives it a better, more balanced appearance instead of being recessed.

However, the chin is only 1 of your problems. I would say that the main thing throwing off your aesthetics is your very long midface. This can be fixed with bimax, which will not only improve your midface but also give you better forward growth of the jaws.

Thankfully, it is common to do both a bimax and genio in the same operation. This is sometimes referred to as trimax. I would suggest looking into trimax.
I have some side pictures on my other post. I’ve had someone else suggest a trimax which i looked into but surgeries scare me haha 😅 Thank you for the honesty tho it’s really helpful 😊
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  • #7
Amnesia has been getting chin filler for years now and never had any problems. The odds of filler migrating is low, especially for the chin which is the lowest part of the face so where could it migrate to? And honestly I think in the one picture she is suffering from lens distortion, I really don't think her midface is that long
Yeah i don’t have a lot of pictures of myself without lens distortion and i don’t really know how to combat this. What is the best way to avoid this? I measured my facial thirds and they’re equal lengths but I do think my midface looks longer which is why I considered the filler
Yeah i don’t have a lot of pictures of myself without lens distortion and i don’t really know how to combat this. What is the best way to avoid this? I measured my facial thirds and they’re equal lengths but I do think my midface looks longer which is why I considered the filler
Take a mirror selfie standing back and zoom in slightly
Amnesia has been getting chin filler for years now and never had any problems. The odds of filler migrating is low, especially for the chin which is the lowest part of the face so where could it migrate to? And honestly I think in the one picture she is suffering from lens distortion, I really don't think her midface is that long
just because someone who is a prominent figure does something doesn’t mean it’s optimal
And honestly I think in the one picture she is suffering from lens distortion, I really don't think her midface is that long
trust me in all of the photos it’s clear she could benefit from at least genio and best case trimax
Hello 👋 I have been considering getting chin filler but I cannot tell if my selfies look super different from other camera views. Can you guys be honest and let me know if this is a good idea or if i need to do something different? View attachment 34334
Don't get no chin filler. What is that anyways, a surgery? You shouldn't fill your face with crap.

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