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Discussion Controversial looksmaxxing opinon


May 26, 2024
Alot of "looksmaxxers" just look uncanny and strange even when they have good features, but their face just doesn't look right
thats because they fraud for male gaze
most look normal unfrauded
not unpopular at all tbh
thats because they fraud for male gaze
honestly not a bad take Chico has the most desirable face to females but would only rank a low 8 however, post plastic surgery jordan mogs (could be debated whether the PSL alien look actually sooted him) Post Jordan could be a low 9 but would appeal more to the male gaze
because they do weird things like whitepill said, frauding, like squinting and biting their cheeks and mewing and being on their tippies all simultaneously, and do other measures to try and achieve a chad look
because they do weird things like whitepill said, frauding, like squinting and biting their cheeks and mewing and being on their tippies all simultaneously, and do other measures to try and achieve a chad look
cheek biting is honestly the weirdest thing someone can do it’s so obviously and looks nothing like real hollow cheeks
cheek biting is honestly the weirdest thing someone can do it’s so obviously and looks nothing like real hollow cheeks
I cant ever achieve hollow cheeks, i always look like im biting my cheeks even tho im actually lean and have hollow cheeks because i have shit cheekbones
Until i get implants...
I cant ever achieve hollow cheeks, i always look like im biting my cheeks even tho im actually lean and have hollow cheeks because i have shit cheekbones
Until i get implants...
Yeah valid, a lot of people don’t understand the whole hollow cheek concept and there are some fairly good threads on here about the subject but i’m not bothered to go link them you’ve probably seen them anyways, but there’s some people who look fairly good with cheek biting but those are people who have the potential for hollow cheeks but just aren’t lean enough which is what I feel like a lot of people miss that losing fat is the fastest way to a glow up
I cant ever achieve hollow cheeks, i always look like im biting my cheeks even tho im actually lean and have hollow cheeks because i have shit cheekbones
Until i get
But there are some people (who just aren’t lean enough) who actually look good biting cheeks only issue is the lip area gets smaller and smaller the more you bite leading to a fairly uncanny look like whitepill said
