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Theory Correlation between recession and philtrum length


Feb 17, 2024
Italy, florence
dear Looksmaxxers...

Ive been thinking that one of the main causes of a long Philtrum is recession

Why is that?

Well, let's see a person who has trasformed his forward growth from recessed to getting a good growth


As you can see, aside of the change in the jaw, you can also see a variation in the philtrum area, which, even if minimal, it still existent.

we are talking about a 1 millimiter variation, sadly if you 20mm philtrum there's nothing that you really can do about it. (Surgery is an option)

If you think about it, there are more recessed people with a long philtrum rather then ones with a good forward growth and the same long philtrum


This philtrum length variation between recessed and non-recessed mainly depends on how much you have been recessed for.

for example, if you are a recessed 10 year old who later got a good forward growth the variation is major (2-3 millimiters) than the one of a grown 18 year old man who has matured with recessession (0.5-1 millimiter).


(The variations may also be higher than I said)

This is because an actually genetically long philtrum is way rarer than we think it is, as it is also indicated from various medicine-related websites that a long philtrum is a rare facial mutation (mostly present in specific phenotypes)


Now, i'm not a doctor with a degree, but I suppose that recession has a more than a giant impact on the facial structure, in fact a deficient facial growth pulls down and backwards many of the muscles present in the lower third of the face, also impacting the philtrum area.


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dear Looksmaxxers...

Ive been thinking that one of the main causes of a long Philtrum is recession

Well, let's see a person who has trasformed his forward growth from recessed to getting a good growth

View attachment 33537

As you can see, aside of the change in the jaw, you can also see a variation in the philtrum area, which, even if minimal, it still existent.

we are talking about a 1 millimiter variation, sadly if you 20mm philtrum there's nothing that you really can do about it. (Surgery is an option)

If you think about it, there are more recessed people with a long philtrum rather then ones with a good forward growth and the same long philtrum


This philtrum length variation between recessed and non-recessed mainly depends on how much you have been recessed for.

for example, if you are a recessed 10 year old who later got a good forward growth the variation is major (2-3 millimiters) than the one of a grown 18 year old man who has matured with recessession (0.5-1 millimiter).

View attachment 33539

(The variations may also be higher than I said)

This is because an actually genetically long philtrum is way rarer than we think it is, as it is also indicated from various medicine-related websites that a long philtrum is a rare facial mutation (mostly present in specific phenotypes)


Now, i'm not a doctor with a degree, but I suppose that recession has a more than a giant impact on the facial structure, in fact a deficient facial growth pulls down and backwards many of the muscles present in the lower third of the face, also impacting the philtrum area.
i didnt cook though i feel like its shit

especially the explaination omg is look like shit
long philtrum illusion, especially fucked up philtrum chin ratio due to recession. in reality, fixing recession will barely change the length
long philtrum is caused by short upper lip, medical condition, aging (saginess)
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  • #5
long philtrum illusion, especially f****d up philtrum chin ratio due to recession. in reality, fixing recession will barely change the length
long philtrum is caused by short upper lip, medical condition, aging (saginess)
In fact the length of the actual philtrum is the same, it's just different angle which makes the philtrum be perceived as long since it is pulled downwards
I was unable to perceive any diference in the philtrum length. If such exist, it may be so small as to be regarded as nullable.
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  • #7
long philtrum illusion, especially f****d up philtrum chin ratio due to recession. in reality, fixing recession will barely change the length
long philtrum is caused by short upper lip, medical condition, aging (saginess)
In fact forward growth somewhat also impacts the upper lip
I was unable to perceive any diference in the philtrum length. If such exist, it may be so small as to be regarded as nullable.
There is more visible difference in the front profile
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  • #11
In order for the forums consensus, provision of spoken front profile would happen.
Why are you talking like that

By the way i couldnt find any front profile pictures but still there is a visible difference

Especially in the second one
Why are you talking like that

By the way i couldnt find any front profile pictures but still there is a visible difference

Especially in the second one
Influenced by the language of books recently read. Given the unwelcome of this style in more casual settings, i shall avoid further speaking till my reading influence is no more perceivable.
First girl philtrum never changed

Second boy grew tissue around subnasion making philtrum shorter

Long philtrum is also caused by dentoalveolar protrusion

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