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Experience Couldn't finish my workout

I enjoy working out so I usually push really hard and feel really energetic during

Infact it's a daily activity I genuinely look forward to doing
Keep going until you reach true fatigue, until you really can’t lift anymore. You don’t need to complete your set if you’ve hit your limit; just lift until failure. On the other hand, don’t make it too easy. Push yourself, but if you can finish your sets without any struggle, you’re not challenging yourself enough. Make sure to take at least a 1-minute rest between sets if it’s tough.
Brother, why are you not cycling 1 gram of tren yet? That and 2 grams of test should do the trick for your energy. You know what, throw a gram of primobolan and masteron in there too. Forgot to mention 50 iu of hgh too and you should be set
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  • #16
Brother, why are you not cycling 1 gram of tren yet? That and 2 grams of test should do the trick for your energy. You know what, throw a gram of primobolan and masteron in there too. Forgot to mention 50 iu of hgh too and you should be set
I'm afraid to take tren especially if it messes up my face
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  • #25
i mean yeah if you have bad pain and your heart feels like its gonna explode and youre gonna throw up
but tiredness is normal
I felt low energy like I can fall asleep anytime
don't overdo it

6-10 sets per workout is good enough
