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Dagreus Reporting for Duty

I have highest Aura here, Aura mogger
I should make Aura top 5 of everyone here on .com. I feel like AstroSky is 2nd, Nihilus 3rd, Dean 5th, RKelly 1st, and looksmax lossus/IAMNOTANINCEL is 4th
I should make Aura top 5 of everyone here on .com. I feel like AstroSky is 2nd, Nihilus 3rd, Dean 5th, RKelly 1st, and looksmax lossus/IAMNOTANINCEL is 4th
im top 3 atleast
The only thing about the BrahminBoss thread is that BrahminBoss is often ridiculed for how he acts on the forum so it makes sense he would be ignored if he tried to actually make a serious thread
He is self hating narcy indian
I should make Aura top 5 of everyone here on .com. I feel like AstroSky is 2nd, Nihilus 3rd, Dean 5th, RKelly 1st, and looksmax lossus/IAMNOTANINCEL is 4th
I mog dean and looxmaxlossus aura
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #76
wtf is happening here
ima have atleast a couple billion aura by the end of october
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  • #80
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #88
How long has this forum been running for?