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Daily reminder this exists.

Where are you in the first clip?
I didn't go that day since they had rehearsals for the graduation ball and I didn t want to participate to the ball as I had nowhere to get my hair and face done.
It was a wise decision...they all came with a full look.
I enjoy self humiliation💅
It's just your shy behaviour.. everything else is fine
I didn t say I am ugly...I just wished I had been the prettiest.
None of these girls are ugly.
I was just confused when a girl took my cape as I should have done it myself
Above average in that crowd but not very NT

Brutal that you didn't have your hat, you looked awkward as fuck lol
and youre the prettiest there and ur facial expressions are soo cute u look shy
Above average in that crowd but not very NT

Brutal that you didn't have your hat, you looked awkward as fuck lol
Would you say they are mtbs or ltbs? Honestly I thought they were prettier than other classes and for sure prettier than my uni classmates
She looks more confident and lively because of more glow on her face ig
It is possible she may have some highlight but I am not good at detecting makeup.
I just know they all had makeup
She has no aura and isn’t smiling like everyone else
I can t fake a smile...sorry. This is about bones and attractiveness stuff not smiles or aura. If those were my main issues, I would be blessed