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Damian Kater vs Safire (the two least frauded PSL Gods)

Only n*****s unironically choose that ethnic. JFL at calling Damian "least frauded" but he mogs that curry more than prime Chico mogged his average fan
Saafir Is Overrated Fs But Damien Is Manlet And Huge Frauder Also Saafir Mogs In Every Other Aspect
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Only n*****s unironically choose that ethnic. JFL at calling Damian "least frauded" but he mogs that curry more than prime Chico mogged his average fan
@97baHater come defend our North African bro, they are calling him curry.
Cope, ur oneitis pussy becomes the Niagara Falls when she sees this High T North African mogger
I live in Russia. Legit 0 people here think that n*****s look human. Yesterday I legit heard two professors joke about migrants and everyone laughed both times

Also, if a girl is into blacks - she is 100% not my type
Saafir Is Overrated Fs But Damien Is Manlet And Huge Frauder Also Saafir Mogs In Every Other Aspect
Can't see the manletism, maybe. Still, that ethnic has negative appeal in any non slutty area. Middle class young white girls are thirsting over Damien, 22+ year old sluts from low income families - over Saafir. JFL at prefering the second type

Skin color >>> whatever aspect that n****r mogs(can't think of any tho)
Can't see the manletism, maybe. Still, that ethnic has negative appeal in any non slutty area. Middle class young white girls are thirsting over Damien, 22+ year old sluts from low income families - over Saafir. JFL at prefering the second type

Skin color >>> whatever aspect that n****r mogs(can't think of any tho)
"Im incel saar"
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I live in Russia. Legit 0 people here think that n*****s look human. Yesterday I legit heard two professors joke about migrants and everyone laughed both times

Also, if a girl is into blacks - she is 100% not my type
(in thick Russian accent) "-and I said: Hugo, those aren't monkeys! They're people!" "Ho Ho Ho! good one Vladmir! you've made the motherland proud" or something idk I'm not russian
Russia full of subhumans no?
It actually is. But I don't really consider people living in the east as Russians and if we exclude them - not that much subhumans tbh. Ofc the migrants, but these are not really considered humans and the migrant policies are nice
Most attractive 1/100000 black male has the same appeal as any white htn

Also, I said it before and I'll say it again - unless the sex is with at least a mid mtb - it wasn't real
Cope if that's the case why are you looksmaxxing go and slay
Cope if that's the case why are you looksmaxxing go and slay
Not low inhib enough yet. Still not ready to go to clubs. Need to get rid of gut issues to get normal-high test levels + ideally wait till post-rhino swelling is gone

Also, jfl at looksmaxxing just to slay. I want to have sex with a mirror and make a career in business. Foids come third
Not low inhib enough yet. Still not ready to go to clubs. Need to get rid of gut issues to get normal-high test levels + ideally wait till post-rhino swelling is gone

Also, jfl at looksmaxxing just to slay. I want to have sex with a mirror and make a career in business. Foids come third
n***a you git bullied of .org for you're delusional ahh @Clone This guy thinks his on the same level as hexum
Are you retarded? I am using .org every day xD

Also, hexum is low htn and people who rate him chadlite+ or higher are simply low iq. Uncanny 0 appeal guy
You're literally the only cunt that says his low htn. Literally a sex symbol in his time
Not low inhib enough yet. Still not ready to go to clubs. Need to get rid of gut issues to get normal-high test levels + ideally wait till post-rhino swelling is gone

Also, jfl at looksmaxxing just to slay. I want to have sex with a mirror and make a career in business. Foids come third
Cope is strong with this one
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