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Dark undereye is not your main issue. The most beautiful woman has them.


Well-known member
Established ★★
Dec 22, 2024
I find it ridiculous that we focus on small details instead to acknowledge we have way bigger real issue.
Most of times it isn't even eyebags, it's depigmentation...and it is genetic
it's one of the easier things to fix, I can't change my eye shape without surgery
What I mean is that it doesn't really affect attractiveness. We have bigger issues to solve
Oh it does, you really find her attractive in these photos?,cope ngl, I got dark circles too and they look bad ash
She is a stacy in all her pics
But I think her teeth looks too white idk why
She is a stacy in all her pics
Maybe ig,I find her really attractive, but in these photos, not too much at least not for the male gaze.
Also, just be the top 0.00000001 % women theory
Also, just be the top 0.00000001 % women theory
Nah, what I meant is that we have way bigger flaws than dark undereye and we shouldn't focus on it that much. It is not the undereye that makes us mid
Nah, what I meant is that we have way bigger flaws than dark undereye and we shouldn't focus on it that much. It is not the undereye that makes us mid
Also, just a random question, when did girls start rotting on incel sites? Like, what’s the deal? We all know being blackpilled that girls are the ones who PICK dudes. They got the upper hand in pretty much everything when it comes to options and opportunities. You get what I mean?
Also, just a random question, when did girls start rotting on incel sites? Like, what’s the deal? We all know being blackpilled that girls are the ones who PICK dudes. They got the upper hand in pretty much everything when it comes to options and opportunities. You get what I mean?
I just want to improve my looks. I don t care abt men
I just want to improve my looks. I don t care abt men
You already look softmaxxed,As much as it can be done naturally, are you open to surgeries
You already look softmaxxed,As much as it can be done naturally, are you open to surgeries
Yes I am but I don t recall you rating me but idk