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Dawg I almost got reported for sexual harassment today 😭 I was in class just fucking around and I keep telling some kid a gyatt is behind him and like 30 minutes later the girl walked up to me and asked if I was tlaking to her, she was looking all pressed but I quickly said I was talking about the teacher. When she left the mf next to me started dying 💀
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  • #8
Dawg I almost got reported for sexual harassment today 😭 I was in class just fucking around and I keep telling some kid a gyatt is behind him and like 30 minutes later the girl walked up to me and asked if I was tlaking to her, she was looking all pressed but I quickly said I was talking about the teacher. When she left the mf next to me started dying 💀
Mirin tism
Dawg I almost got reported for sexual harassment today 😭 I was in class just fucking around and I keep telling some kid a gyatt is behind him and like 30 minutes later the girl walked up to me and asked if I was tlaking to her, she was looking all pressed but I quickly said I was talking about the teacher. When she left the mf next to me started dying 💀

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