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Dating dystopia... my take on why men are tryhards


Well-known member
Established Member
Aug 15, 2023
I notice a trend on redpill and mainstream dating culture, that men are always told to be tryhards, if someone is an incel they are told they need to try harder at not only dating, but life. This is a sexist double standard that seems to only apply to men, women can just do nothing and get orbiters.

I got to thinking at why society is this way, I started to wonder and make a theory. I wonder if the reason society is like this, is because thousands of years ago, all the male casuals that didn't try very hard at life, actually got girls, but didn't gather as much resources as thetry hards, so their families weren't able to compete long term with the try hards, causing the females that were into casuals to go extinct after a while. Or they didn't even have enough resources to raise families, so females that were into those men ended up never breeding, and the females that were attracted to tryhards ended up breeding more, hence most of the females nowadays seem to want to date tryhards. This could also explain why so many men look like ogres. Because the good looking men didn't have to try hard, and because of that they lacked resources and didn't make as big families, the ogres had more resources and the females who ended up dating them were able to breed more so they are more prevalent today.
I notice a trend on redpill and mainstream dating culture, that men are always told to be tryhards, if someone is an incel they are told they need to try harder at not only dating, but life. This is a sexist double standard that seems to only apply to men, women can just do nothing and get orbiters.

I got to thinking at why society is this way, I started to wonder and make a theory. I wonder if the reason society is like this, is because thousands of years ago, all the male casuals that didn't try very hard at life, actually got girls, but didn't gather as much resources as thetry hards, so their families weren't able to compete long term with the try hards, causing the females that were into casuals to go extinct after a while. Or they didn't even have enough resources to raise families, so females that were into those men ended up never breeding, and the females that were attracted to tryhards ended up breeding more, hence most of the females nowadays seem to want to date tryhards. This could also explain why so many men look like ogres. Because the good looking men didn't have to try hard, and because of that they lacked resources and didn't make as big families, the ogres had more resources and the females who ended up dating them were able to breed more so they are more prevalent today.
same standards with women tbh
I notice a trend on redpill and mainstream dating culture, that men are always told to be tryhards, if someone is an incel they are told they need to try harder at not only dating, but life. This is a sexist double standard that seems to only apply to men, women can just do nothing and get orbiters.

I got to thinking at why society is this way, I started to wonder and make a theory. I wonder if the reason society is like this, is because thousands of years ago, all the male casuals that didn't try very hard at life, actually got girls, but didn't gather as much resources as thetry hards, so their families weren't able to compete long term with the try hards, causing the females that were into casuals to go extinct after a while. Or they didn't even have enough resources to raise families, so females that were into those men ended up never breeding, and the females that were attracted to tryhards ended up breeding more, hence most of the females nowadays seem to want to date tryhards. This could also explain why so many men look like ogres. Because the good looking men didn't have to try hard, and because of that they lacked resources and didn't make as big families, the ogres had more resources and the females who ended up dating them were able to breed more so they are more prevalent today.
Let me break this down to be simple enough for you. Biologically women and men have to different ways of selecting sexual partners, women filter out their partners whilst men choose, meaning they have to approach, so we have to be accepted or filtered out. Women tend to be attracted to men who aren't losers and have something going for them, per say, interests, hobbies and careers. Though I think you're forgetting that incels have always existed but they're just a vocal minority now.
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Let me break this down to be simple enough for you. Biologically women and men have to different ways of selecting sexual partners, women filter out their partners whilst men choose, meaning they have to approach, so we have to be accepted or filtered out. Women tend to be attracted to men who aren't losers and have something going for them, per say, interests, hobbies and careers. Though I think you're forgetting that incels have always existed but they're just a vocal minority now.
You don't need to come off so arrogant sounding.

Incels are not really a minority they are a majority and always have been a majority. 60% of males are incels in 2023, if they seem like a minority its because most sexless males are not going to come forward and admit they are sexless males, because of the Pua meme that women prefer dating males who are pre-selected by other women. I don't know how true the Pua meme is but it seems like it would be true because of the whole "you need experience to get experience" meme with jobs.

Incels have always been the majority throughout human history up until 8000 years ago, before then 94% of men were sexual failures.
Let me break this down to be simple enough for you. Biologically women and men have to different ways of selecting sexual partners, women filter out their partners whilst men choose, meaning they have to approach, so we have to be accepted or filtered out. Women tend to be attracted to men who aren't losers and have something going for them, per say, interests, hobbies and careers. Though I think you're forgetting that incels have always existed but they're just a vocal minority now.
While this is true its not as cut and dry as this. For example it doesn't explain why if a man is walking down the street women don't ever approach, but if a teenage male is walking at a school aisle they will get approached by females, even if the teenage male is a jobless loser and women have no way of detecting the status of the adult male. I think there is more to it than that, what I think is happening is meta-attraction and women seek out status as a way to compensate for the lack of physical attraction to the man.

Forgive me for not being able to quote you specifically the quote functions don't seem to be working intuitively like I click and drag and nothing happens

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