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delusional and dystopian society


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2023
Sheldon is extremely based. Sheldon realized this at a young age but I see it as well. I would like to hear Spock's (Leonard Nimoy) comments on this as well.

So its like they play music 24/7 in society. Whenever you go into any building there is music playing 24/7. And most of the music seems to be some kind of brainwashing. Most of the music is about sex or failed romance or breakups. Its like continuous brainwashing. Like they just want people to reproduce in order to continue capitalism, even if reproduction means more and more climate change and devastation. But at the same time, they have an anti-sex culture where prostitution is illegal, and they make sex as hard to obtain as possible. Hence why the thread is called "delusional and dystopian" instead of just "dystopian", because the overall society seems delusional and contrary.

I like music but there is a saying, all in moderation and not excess. The way that society bombards people with music is very dystopian and seems like Brave New World where they give people Soma drugs in order to cope with their workaholic lifestyle.

Society seems in decline overall. Prices increasing, more and more rules and regulations, corporations also have too much power and people are not given enough privacy. Shops that I used to see for a long time vanishing. Both small and large businesses seem to be stagnating, releasing regurgitated products with hardly any hype or innovation of anything.

Culture overall seems to be in decline and people seem to lack respect for boundaries. For example I walk into a store and they are playing profane and foul language at the store and it makes me want to leave the store.

guns then
guns now

clothing then
clothing now

The future is lesbian. I realize the male future is not very bright and society is generally anti-male. For example in America at least if you see a girl in public you like you better not say anything too flirty or you might get trespassed and asked to leave. Overall this is how it feels. And most porn is boring to me except for a few lesbian porns. Overall I realize it is much better to be lesbian. If you are in a straight relationship on the front lines then people should have some respect for you, especially if you are working hard trying to raise a family while they bombard you with normie music 24/7.
interesting plan but what if i’m a man

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