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Demonstration of experiment of using torsion +vibration to increase bone length From Natural Height Growth


more loans more bones
Jun 21, 2024
Really interesting page, learned a lot about some possible increases in height. Apparently he grew 1.5" since 2008 or smt like that from epiphysial tapping and lsjl. Read through his concepts. Pretty legit stuff tbh.
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  • #2
Also I did just buy a vibration plate, gonna try using it soon.
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  • #6
Lmao I tried this method
View attachment 33571

How much did it cost u?
You ever try it on the epiphysial plate? I used my old knee brace and used a vibrator on the internal and external side of my tibias upper- epiphysial.
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You ever try it on the epiphysial plate? I used my old knee brace and used a vibrator on the internal and external side of my tibias upper- epiphysial.
Yea I tried it before while holding a dumbell with my knees. What's the knee brace for btw? and did u grew by doing heightmaxx methods
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  • #8
Yea I tried it before while holding a dumbell with my knees. What's the knee brace for btw? and did u grew by doing heightmaxx methods
I'm in mid-late pubert 4-5 iu of genotropin a day, most of it is genes. I can't really make anecdotal evidence for this yet. My plates have to fuse before any of this can be considered true from me. I did notice that myright humerus and forearm bones are both 1cm+ more than my left arm. This is from my dumbell twisting method.
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  • #9
Yea I tried it before while holding a dumbell with my knees. What's the knee brace for btw? and did u grew by doing heightmaxx methods
I specifically used a knee brace for the theoretical benefit of more dynamic torsion. I tried to use more of my leg muscles rather than relying on a dumbell or weight per say on the other side. This would have better usage due to it primarily being the body rather than a external force trying to fight the vibration force.
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  • #10
I specifically used a knee brace for the theoretical benefit of more dynamic torsion. I tried to use more of my leg muscles rather than relying on a dumbell or weight per say on the other side. This would have better usage due to it primarily being the body rather than a external force trying to fight the vibration force.
the knee brace was a stabilzer in this case

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