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Info Dermaroller


Feb 17, 2024
Italy, florence
dear Looksmaxxers....

The dermaroller is one of the most underrated yet powerful methods out there for skin, hair and beard.

What is a dermaroller?

The standard dermaroller is a drum-shaped roller studded with fine microneedles in eight rows, those needles have their own specific length (Usually from 0.3 to 1.5mm) and 0.1 mm in diameter. The microneedles are synthesized by reactive ion etching techniques on silicon or medical-grade stainless steel.

It has been a method for hair and skin since a long time, but it has now became more famous with social medias.

Types of dermarollers

Dermarollers vary from various aspects
  • Needle length: each dermaroller has its own length, usually going from 0.3 millimiters to 1.5mm. You should know your required needle length depending on the area you are aiming for or the experience you have with dermarollers (For your skin, in fact, it is recommended to start with a 0.5mm)
  • Needle material: there are many materials used for dermarollers, but the best ones for durability are the ones made in stainless steel or titanium.
  • Type: on the internet there are 2 kinds of microneedles: dermarollerd and dermapens. Dermapens are more automatic and precise but they cost way more. I would recommend a dermaroller.
  • Needle quantity: there are tons of dermarollers with 540 needles, but you should use one with 192 individual needles.

Dermarollers are applied on the skin or the scalp by microneedling the surface and making little holes which heal very fast.
You can use dermarollers for:

Works for acne scars, DONT USE ON ACTIVE ACNE those little holes boost the production of collagen and skin cells which heal the acne scars very fast,

and since those microneedles boost the production of collagen, dermarollers can also be used for aging skin, or for all the good effects of good collagen.

How do I use it?

- Disinfectate the dermaroller before using it

- Roll the dermaroller horizontally, 4 times up and down,

- Then vertically, still 4 times,

- At 45 degrees,

- And then at 135 degrees.

Hair regrowth and facial hair

The dermaroller can be used for hair regrowth and facial hair.

Those microneedles produce small holes on the scalp when applied that boost the hair growth, for maximum effect use with minoxidil or other chemicals. I wouldnt personally suggest them because of some of their reported side effects, but it's all your choice.

The way to use it is:

- Disinfectate the dermaroller before using it

- Roll the dermaroller horizontally, 4 times up and down,

- Then vertically, still 4 times,

- At 45 degrees,

- And then at 135 degrees.

How much does it take to see results?

You should be able to see the first results after 4 months without hair chemicals and

1-2 months with minoxidil or such similiar chemicals

What dermaroller should I buy?

I recommend a dermaroller 192 individual titanium needles, you can find them on amazon, they cost from 8 to 20 dollars, pay attention not to buy the ones with 540 needles.
dear Looksmaxxers....

The dermaroller is one of the most underrated yet powerful methods out there for skin, hair and beard.

The standard dermaroller is a drum-shaped roller studded with fine microneedles in eight rows, those needles have their own specific length (Usually from 0.3 to 1.5mm) and 0.1 mm in diameter. The microneedles are synthesized by reactive ion etching techniques on silicon or medical-grade stainless steel.

It has been a method for hair and skin since a long time, but it has now became more famous with social medias.

Types of dermarollers

Dermarollers vary from various aspects
  • Needle length: each dermaroller has its own length, usually going from 0.3 millimiters to 1.5mm. You should know your required needle length depending on the area you are aiming for or the experience you have with dermarollers (For your skin, in fact, it is recommended to start with a 0.5mm)
  • Needle material: there are many materials used for dermarollers, but the best ones for durability are the ones made in stainless steel or titanium.
  • Type: on the internet there are 2 kinds of microneedles: dermarollerd and dermapens. Dermapens are more automatic and precise but they cost way more. I would recommend a dermaroller.
  • Needle quantity: there are tons of dermarollers with 540 needles, but you should use one with 192 individual needles.

Dermarollers are applied on the skin or the scalp by microneedling the surface and making little holes which heal very fast.
You can use dermarollers for:

Works for acne scars, DONT USE ON ACTIVE ACNE those little holes boost the production of collagen and skin cells which heal the acne scars very fast,

and since those microneedles boost the production of collagen, dermarollers can also be used for aging skin, or for all the good effects of good collagen.

- Disinfectate the dermaroller before using it

- Roll the dermaroller horizontally, 4 times up and down,

- Then vertically, still 4 times,

- At 45 degrees,

- And then at 135 degrees.

Hair regrowth and facial hair

The dermaroller can be used for hair regrowth and facial hair.

Those microneedles produce small holes on the scalp when applied that boost the hair growth, for maximum effect use with minoxidil or other chemicals. I wouldnt personally suggest them because of some of their reported side effects, but it's all your choice.

The way to use it is:

- Disinfectate the dermaroller before using it

- Roll the dermaroller horizontally, 4 times up and down,

- Then vertically, still 4 times,

- At 45 degrees,

- And then at 135 degrees.

You should be able to see the first results after 4 months without hair chemicals and

1-2 months with minoxidil or such similiar chemicals

I recommend a dermaroller 192 individual titanium needles, you can find them on amazon, they cost from 8 to 20 dollars, pay attention not to buy the ones with 540 needles.
Good thread water for me
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #11
Excellent thread, very enjoyable, I can tell you have improved on writing them
the only suggestion i have is adding about cleaning and storing them
tHank you👍🏿

yeah youre right i shouldve added more about that