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Describe your ideal partner

Bro is desperate 😔

@Whitepill this dude are so pathetic tbh, imagine thinking being in a relationship is just about looks. This dude isn’t unable to get a white Stacy, he just doesn’t want to becuz the sheboon has a great personality. Same for the blonde Chad above, that Asian foid just has a great personality.
View attachment 41565

@Whitepill this dude are so pathetic tbh, imagine thinking being in a relationship is just about looks. This dude isn’t unable to get a white Stacy, he just doesn’t want to becuz the sheboon has a great personality. Same for the blonde Chad above, that Asian foid just has a great personality.
Bro wtf that
Average looking or above, just has to be cutesy but I don't mind if not

Nice overall, cares for my wellbeing to a certain extent.

Likes cartoons like me and willing to watch together.
I am bored asf, so let me know your type.
Include their physical attributes as well as personality.

5’10 medium length light/platuim blonde hair, blue eyes, lean runners build, tan, mtn or high mtn, athletic, smart and funny🙏 but in reality ill take any guy whos nice to me, and treats me like a human as long as hes not fat or deformed
height should be above 5,3-4(my mom is 5,5 and i don't like short girls )
shouldn't be fat(must)
should have good hormonal profile
should have good bone structure
so in love with that she will khs rather than being with someone else or cheat
bodycount 0(shouldn't have done anything with the opposite gender before)

shouldn't be dark skinned if not exotic (i am indian its like this in all of asia i am not saying this because i am racist even though i am )

should be caring and smart and understanding and obedient
shouldn't drink , smoke , vape, or do drugs
friends shouldn't be retarded or shitty people

shouldn't do self harm or be suicidal
should be lively and full of life
shouldn't have saggy tits

should be cute inside and outside

TLDR, cute , virgin in all ways , not too short
should have good facial bone structure and development, , a very good personality, , mentally healthy, no taking substances , will never cheat and loves me more than anything

also no one like exist and even if they then not for me and i will not lower my standards and i will most likely die alone
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  • #44
height should be above 5,3-4(my mom is 5,5 and i don't like short girls )
shouldn't be fat(must)
should have good hormonal profile
should have good bone structure
so in love with that she will khs rather than being with someone else or cheat
bodycount 0(shouldn't have done anything with the opposite gender before)

shouldn't be dark skinned if not exotic (i am indian its like this in all of asia i am not saying this because i am racist even though i am )

should be caring and smart and understanding and obedient
shouldn't drink , smoke , vape, or do drugs
friends shouldn't be retarded or shitty people

shouldn't do self harm or be suicidal
should be lively and full of life
shouldn't have saggy tits

should be cute inside and outside

TLDR, cute , virgin in all ways , not too short
should have good facial bone structure and development, , a very good personality, , mentally healthy, no taking substances , will never cheat and loves me more than anything

also no one like exist and even if they then not for me and i will not lower my standards and i will most likely die alone
do not be mean
My ds friend 🥺 she got mad at me 😞. She 15 yr 8 month 185 or so cm and she has a very nice frame.
She is an asian boy from poland.

Joke, she is not a he, she's a she. Or so I think 😶
Please ban this f****t I’m sick of ir

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