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Describe your ideal partner

Ideally: Caucasoid, Slavic, Central, East Asian
Some of these countries, I do not know the women very well so I did not color. Green ideal, yellow-green good, yellow is ok, white is acceptable.
So I'm fine with any race, as long as she's attractive
Ideally: HTB+
Ok: MTB+
Language: Speaks english and russian. It's ok if she doesn't speak russian but it is nice if she does.
Hair Color: Any, but ideally not ginger.
Eye Color: Any as long as it's not uncanny. Ideally, I like very dark eyes.
Height: Ideally: I want to be taller than her so I can put my chin on her head like this (reverse the genders)
But also ideally i would want to be 6'3.
I'd ideally want her to be 5'5-5'9. But she can be 5'4-5'11
So above average preferably.
Ideally a virgin. But in today's world unlikely so I'd be ok with her as long as she was not a whore/cheater and had like <3 bodies
Skin Color: Any, as long as not pink, extremely pale, extremely black, yellow or yellowish undertones. Ideally on the lighter side.
Bf%: Below 30%. But ideally <25%.
Mostly straight and mostly white teeth.
Good smile
Good lips
Is not recessed
Booba: anywhere between flat-medium big is fine. But preferably small. Small areolas that are darker than skin
At least somewhat wide hips. Like feminine enough.
Ideally relatively small waist
Good posture
Pear or hourglass figure
Medium to medium big butt
NOT narcy
Does not excessively complain or blame others always and not ungrateful
Open minded and thinks for herself, not an NPC
Does not use social media or barely
Smart and hardworking
Has passion in STEM
Kind and caring
Good humored
Is loyal
Feminine in looks
Loves me
Will never leave me
pompompurino looks good as well
Last edited:
Ideally: Caucasoid, Slavic, Central, East Asian
Some of these countries, I do not know the women very well so I did not color. Green ideal, yellow-green good, yellow is ok, white is acceptable.
View attachment 41611
So I'm fine with any race, as long as she's attractive
Ideally: HTB+
Ok: MTB+
Language: Speaks english and russian. It's ok if she doesn't speak russian but it is nice if she does.
Hair Color: Any, but ideally not ginger.
Eye Color: Any as long as it's not uncanny. Ideally, I like very dark eyes.
Height: Ideally: I want to be taller than her so I can put my chin on her head like this (reverse the genders)
View attachment 41612
But also ideally i would want to be 6'3.
I'd ideally want her to be 5'5-5'9. But she can be 5'4-5'11
So above average preferably.
Ideally a virgin. But in today's world unlikely so I'd be ok with her as long as she was not a whore/cheater and had like <3 bodies
Skin Color: Any, as long as not pink, extremely pale, extremely black, yellow or yellowish undertones. Ideally on the lighter side.
Bf%: Below 30%. But ideally <25%.
Mostly straight and mostly white teeth.
Good smile
Good lips
Is not recessed
Booba: anywhere between flat-medium big is fine. But preferably small. Small areolas that are darker than skin
At least somewhat wide hips. Like feminine enough.
Ideally relatively small waist
Good posture
Pear or hourglass figure
Medium to medium big butt
NOT narcy
Does not excessively complain or blame others always and not ungrateful
Open minded and thinks for herself, not an NPC
Does not use social media or barely
Smart and hardworking
Has passion in STEM
Kind and caring
Good humored
Is loyal
Loves me
Will never leave me
Might as well believe in unicorns n***a
Ideally: Caucasoid, Slavic, Central, East Asian
Some of these countries, I do not know the women very well so I did not color. Green ideal, yellow-green good, yellow is ok, white is acceptable.
View attachment 41611
So I'm fine with any race, as long as she's attractive
Ideally: HTB+
Ok: MTB+
Language: Speaks english and russian. It's ok if she doesn't speak russian but it is nice if she does.
Hair Color: Any, but ideally not ginger.
Eye Color: Any as long as it's not uncanny. Ideally, I like very dark eyes.
Height: Ideally: I want to be taller than her so I can put my chin on her head like this (reverse the genders)
View attachment 41612
But also ideally i would want to be 6'3.
I'd ideally want her to be 5'5-5'9. But she can be 5'4-5'11
So above average preferably.
Ideally a virgin. But in today's world unlikely so I'd be ok with her as long as she was not a whore/cheater and had like <3 bodies
Skin Color: Any, as long as not pink, extremely pale, extremely black, yellow or yellowish undertones. Ideally on the lighter side.
Bf%: Below 30%. But ideally <25%.
Mostly straight and mostly white teeth.
Good smile
Good lips
Is not recessed
Booba: anywhere between flat-medium big is fine. But preferably small. Small areolas that are darker than skin
At least somewhat wide hips. Like feminine enough.
Ideally relatively small waist
Good posture
Pear or hourglass figure
Medium to medium big butt
NOT narcy
Does not excessively complain or blame others always and not ungrateful
Open minded and thinks for herself, not an NPC
Does not use social media or barely
Smart and hardworking
Has passion in STEM
Kind and caring
Good humored
Is loyal
Feminine in looks
Loves me
Will never leave me
View attachment 41613View attachment 41614View attachment 41615View attachment 41616View attachment 41617View attachment 41618View attachment 41619View attachment 41620View attachment 41621
pompompurino looks good as well
just like mine
girls like this don't exist
if u don't lower ur standards u will die alone
View attachment 41565

@Whitepill this dude are so pathetic tbh, imagine thinking being in a relationship is just about looks. This dude isn’t unable to get a white Stacy, he just doesn’t want to becuz the sheboon has a great personality. Same for the blonde Chad above, that Asian foid just has a great personality.
Yeah this is true, plus shes MTB so shes not even bad looking jfl at this self hating dude
I am bored asf, so let me know your type.
Include their physical attributes as well as personality.
Big brown doe eyes, long dirty blonde hair, nice eyebrows, likes to bake and loves marvel, is pretty tan with flawless skin, fit/curvy, has a nice soothing voice, is innocent and easy to talk to (I'm describing my ex)

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