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Did anyone remove braces to mew?

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Deleted member 36677

I'm looking to end my treatment asap, teeth already look very good. but they keep extending the appointments I've had these braces forever, idk if they negatively affected my jaw, they probably did but oh well. Did anyone remove any braces/retainers and make progress?
i mew with braces? if you have oral anatomical problems then braces should fix that and help you mew if you cant
Y u have braces

i had only 3 crooked teeth bro, two in the upper. it was genetic
my dad had really bad crowding on his upper teeth and my mom had completely straight teeth. so i had a mix of their teeth
i had only 3 crooked teeth bro, two in the upper. it was genetic
my dad had really bad crowding on his upper teeth and my mom had completely straight teeth. so i had a mix of their teeth
Modern teeth genetics of ur dad
braces fixed me and my jaw didnt get ruined or maxilla (i didnt wear the elastics)
A thought struck my mind

U sure it isn't because of an underbite caused by flat maxilla
who? my mom, dad, or me? because i have a foward grown maxilla and no underbite
I'm looking to end my treatment asap, teeth already look very good. but they keep extending the appointments I've had these braces forever, idk if they negatively affected my jaw, they probably did but oh well. Did anyone remove any braces/retainers and make progress?
I had them removed 2 days ago and now I have to hardmaxx
I'm looking to end my treatment asap, teeth already look very good. but they keep extending the appointments I've had these braces forever, idk if they negatively affected my jaw, they probably did but oh well. Did anyone remove any braces/retainers and make progress?
i did mewing along side braces i plan to get pallat expander once I get older if my palate stop growing
If anyone did they are stupid considering meeting doesn’t even work
mewing doesn't work and braces stunt maxillary development.
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