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Guide Diddy's Tips- Part 1: Mewing


Sep 13, 2024
What's up guys, Diddy here. I just got denied bail, which is bad news. So today I'm going to give you some tips on mewing.

The definition of mewing is simple – it’s a practice of proper tongue posture against the roof of your mouth. British orthodontist Dr. John Mew introduced it more than fifty years ago. But thanks to some incredible examples on social media, it has regained attention as something to try before risking jaw surgery.

What is mewing?

Mewing is a technique of adjusting your tongue posture to its right position. It can improve your jawline and overall face structure while helping with jaw pain, sleep apnea, crooked teeth, and other health conditions.

How To Mew: Quick Tutorial

Close Mouth Gently: Ensure your lips meet without any strain, creating the optimal environment for your tongue’s positioning.
Lightly Touch Teeth: Focus on making slight contact primarily with your molars for proper jaw alignment.
Press Tongue Firmly: Cover as much of your palate as possible by pressing your entire tongue against the roof of your mouth.
Maintain Gentle Pressure: Strengthen the muscles in your tongue and jaw by applying gentle, consistent pressure.
Ensure Clear Breathing: Keep your airway unobstructed, emphasizing the importance of proper breathing techniques.
Keep Tongue in Position: Aim to make your tongue’s placement a natural resting state through consistent practice.
Regularly Correct Posture: Support the effectiveness of mewing by frequently checking and adjusting your body posture.
Engage in Daily Practice: Dedicate yourself to this practice daily for potential long-term improvements in facial structure and posture.

Please see the diagram:

P.S.- Come to my next party when I'm out of prison!
What's up guys, Diddy here. I just got denied bail, which is bad news. So today I'm going to give you some tips on mewing.

The definition of mewing is simple – it’s a practice of proper tongue posture against the roof of your mouth. British orthodontist Dr. John Mew introduced it more than fifty years ago. But thanks to some incredible examples on social media, it has regained attention as something to try before risking jaw surgery.

What is mewing?

Mewing is a technique of adjusting your tongue posture to its right position. It can improve your jawline and overall face structure while helping with jaw pain, sleep apnea, crooked teeth, and other health conditions.

How To Mew: Quick Tutorial

Close Mouth Gently: Ensure your lips meet without any strain, creating the optimal environment for your tongue’s positioning.
Lightly Touch Teeth: Focus on making slight contact primarily with your molars for proper jaw alignment.
Press Tongue Firmly: Cover as much of your palate as possible by pressing your entire tongue against the roof of your mouth.
Maintain Gentle Pressure: Strengthen the muscles in your tongue and jaw by applying gentle, consistent pressure.
Ensure Clear Breathing: Keep your airway unobstructed, emphasizing the importance of proper breathing techniques.
Keep Tongue in Position: Aim to make your tongue’s placement a natural resting state through consistent practice.
Regularly Correct Posture: Support the effectiveness of mewing by frequently checking and adjusting your body posture.
Engage in Daily Practice: Dedicate yourself to this practice daily for potential long-term improvements in facial structure and posture.

Please see the diagram:
View attachment 41466

P.S.- Come to my next party when I'm out of prison!
Already a forum legend. :hahaa:
What's up guys, Diddy here. I just got denied bail, which is bad news. So today I'm going to give you some tips on mewing.

The definition of mewing is simple – it’s a practice of proper tongue posture against the roof of your mouth. British orthodontist Dr. John Mew introduced it more than fifty years ago. But thanks to some incredible examples on social media, it has regained attention as something to try before risking jaw surgery.

What is mewing?

Mewing is a technique of adjusting your tongue posture to its right position. It can improve your jawline and overall face structure while helping with jaw pain, sleep apnea, crooked teeth, and other health conditions.

How To Mew: Quick Tutorial

Close Mouth Gently: Ensure your lips meet without any strain, creating the optimal environment for your tongue’s positioning.
Lightly Touch Teeth: Focus on making slight contact primarily with your molars for proper jaw alignment.
Press Tongue Firmly: Cover as much of your palate as possible by pressing your entire tongue against the roof of your mouth.
Maintain Gentle Pressure: Strengthen the muscles in your tongue and jaw by applying gentle, consistent pressure.
Ensure Clear Breathing: Keep your airway unobstructed, emphasizing the importance of proper breathing techniques.
Keep Tongue in Position: Aim to make your tongue’s placement a natural resting state through consistent practice.
Regularly Correct Posture: Support the effectiveness of mewing by frequently checking and adjusting your body posture.
Engage in Daily Practice: Dedicate yourself to this practice daily for potential long-term improvements in facial structure and posture.

Please see the diagram:
View attachment 41466

P.S.- Come to my next party when I'm out of prison!
Bros loggin in from prison. Call your family instead lil n***a.

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