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Discussion Discussing the height inflation


Well-known member
May 11, 2024
Yea I’m ngl in the next couple years we might be completely fucked. The height inflation is not stopping 6’2 is the new 6ft and 6ft is the new 5’10. And plus 6’2 isn’t even tall it’s just ideal. Being under 6ft with a sub 6/10 face is damn near a death sentence. The rising standards due to social media and western culture is slowly cooking the human race. I was talking to a female friend of mine and a 6’1 guy was brought up and she said he’s short like it’s it’s actually a real thing it’s not just being chronically online.

Well I don't think nones of this is true. Maybe in América the lack of problems makes people search for new ones like height, but I live in south America and 180cm was the tall label from my dad's days to mine. I also have the feeling that most people who posts this doesn't even know how to measure by eye, kind of like the girls that want 12 inch pipis or guys that want massive cups on girls.
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It’s just height larpers tbh. Everyone wears Nike Air or whatever the fuck and just blatantly lie
No no cause you’re onto something. My friends always height fraud so hard with those shits. Actually how much height do they add I hear its around two inches
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  • #6
Well I don't think nones of this is true. Maybe in América the lack of problems makes people search for new ones like height, but I live in south America and 180cm was the tall label from my dad's days to mine. I also have the feeling that most people who posts this doesn't even know how to measure by eye, kind of like the girls that want 12 inch pipis or guys that want massive cups on girls.
The problems of the west man.
Yea I’m ngl in the next couple years we might be completely fucked. The height inflation is not stopping 6’2 is the new 6ft and 6ft is the new 5’10. And plus 6’2 isn’t even tall it’s just ideal. Being under 6ft with a sub 6/10 face is damn near a death sentence. The rising standards due to social media and western culture is slowly cooking the human race. I was talking to a female friend of mine and a 6’1 guy was brought up and she said he’s short like it’s it’s actually a real thing it’s not just being chronically online.

View attachment 44438
Brootal LL Fuel
people forgot to mention girls feet. It's like girls inches but for height

Men lie about their height
I'm 6'2 and girls believe i'm around 6'4

Some dudes just lied. "yeah yeah i'm 6'1" while he was probably around 5'10 lmao
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  • #23
people forgot to mention girls feet. It's like girls inches but for height

Men lie about their height
I'm 6'2 and girls believe i'm around 6'4

Some dudes just lied. "yeah yeah i'm 6'1" while he was probably around 5'10 lmao
Bro I would lie about my height but it would mad embarrassing if I ever got in a situation where the truth gets revealed

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