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Do hips wider than your waist kill your physique?

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  • #20
Often times men who think they have wide hips just have genetic fat stores there, once you're all leaned out then it becomes more compact and angular, less round, and in combination with lots of upper body workouts, you can still achieve a V-taper but you wont be david laid
it depends, not necessarily
on fat and bones
first of all fat/love handles can be changed, so while unattractive, you can deal with it
now, hip insertions
if your hips are high up on your torso its unattractive
width does not matter as long as its not as big as a woman and wider than shoulders. shoulders should be significantly wider than hips for men.
then, small waist. this is a must. also wide hips and shoulders can accentuate small waist
small hips seems to be a unecessary trait that is desirable in men
high T=high E unless you are low on aromasin(bad), so you will probs getting decent sized hips. then also, genetics.
wide hips are also good to a certain extent: Specifically, wider hips allow for a longer stride length relative to leg length [29, 30] and are associated with increased stability, which necessitates less mediolateral force development [23].

so hips are unattractive in the conditions i stated (bigger than woman's average and bigger than shoulders, high on torso and shape)
shoulders matter more>
otherwise its just preference from woman and is not negative evolutionarily
