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Do u fear death ?

Do u fear death

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Established ★★
Mar 16, 2024
Do u fear death or not

If theres a missile coming to in 5 minutes would you fear death

If someone is pointing a gun and has tied all ur limbs would you fear death

The fear of death is the most common fear in organisms
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #3
Depends on how the death happens tbh, I would be shit-scared if I was randomly killed but I'd be fine if I died of some natural cause
If was killed unfairly randomly i would he angry but if i deserved it i would be calm

I will not be scared i have experienced so many shit experiences and have been suicidal forever that i don't fear death
Do u fear death or not

If theres a missile coming to in 5 minutes would you fear death

If someone is pointing a gun and has tied all ur limbs would you fear death

The fear of death is the most common fear in organisms
i do believe in an afterlife, but my belief is not strong enough to assure myself, but being christian is the best in my case

- case 1: (christian scenario), you've been a good person, you repented, you obtain the Salvation. "Do not fear." this phrase is repeated 365 times in the Bible
- case 2: (atheist scenario), you've been a good person, people will remember you as a good person, you be forgotten in ages but there's nothing you can do about it, there's billions of other souls who had your same fate, just let go and rest forever. "Ash you were ash you will be."

i dont fear death becuase I know it is inevitable and it is for every soul
Buddy got some replies though
Are you sick of me?
Would you like to be?
I'm trying to tell you something
Something that I already said
You like a pretty boy
With a pretty voice
Who is trying to sell you something
Something that you already have
But if you're too drunk to drive
And the music is right
She might let you stay
But just for the night
And if she grabs for your hand
And drags you along
She might want a kiss
Before the end of this song
Because love can burn like a cigarette
And leave you alone with nothing
And leave you alone with nothing
While the others talk
We were listening to lovers rock
In her bedroom
In her bedroom
And if you start to kiss
And the record skips
Flip it over
And sit a little closer
But if you're too drunk to drive
And the music is right
She might let you stay
But just for the night
And if she grabs for your hand
And drags you along
She might want a kiss
Before the end of this song
Because love can burn like a cigarette
And leave you alone with nothing
And leave you alone with nothing
Are you sick of me?
Would you like to be?
I'm trying to tell you something
Something that I already said
You like a pretty boy
With a pretty voice
Who is trying to sell you something
Something that you already have
But if you're too drunk to drive
And the music is right
She might let you stay
But just for the night
And if she grabs for your hand
And drags you along
She might want a kiss
Before the end of this song
Because love can burn like a cigarette
And leave you alone with nothing
And leave you alone with nothing
While the others talk
We were listening to lovers rock
In her bedroom
In her bedroom
And if you start to kiss
And the record skips
Flip it over
And sit a little closer
But if you're too drunk to drive
And the music is right
She might let you stay
But just for the night
And if she grabs for your hand
And drags you along
She might want a kiss
Before the end of this song
Because love can burn like a cigarette
And leave you alone with nothing
And leave you alone with nothing
Song? Actually imma just look it up
small scale:
im worried i wont be able to achieve all that i want before i die
and also that people i care about will be sad
Large scale:
otherwise, in the grand scheme of things, it doesnt matter, we will all cease to exist
but also, there are parallel universes, and also this universe will repeat an infinite amount of times as well as other infinite universes, so we will all exist an infinite amount of times (quantum physics and astrophysics theories btw)
Nah not yet. Maybe I can do something at the fair
Lol, the fair is like 45% girls alreayd in a relationship and 45% bops. At least where i’m from the fair is like that, maybe your city is different whcih I hope it is.
Lol, the fair is like 45% girls alreayd in a relationship and 45% bops. At least where i’m from the fair is like that, maybe your city is different whcih I hope it is.
Those statistics hopefully aren’t right for my city, but they probably are
Those statistics hopefully aren’t right for my city, but they probably are
It probably is, do you remember the LTB from a couple of days ago who said she talked to a bunch of chads?
It probably is, do you remember the LTB from a couple of days ago who said she talked to a bunch of chads
no I don’t really remember what was the username (you don’t have to tag)
Are you sick of me?
Would you like to be?
I'm trying to tell you something
Something that I already said
You like a pretty boy
With a pretty voice
Who is trying to sell you something
Something that you already have
But if you're too drunk to drive
And the music is right
She might let you stay
But just for the night
And if she grabs for your hand
And drags you along
She might want a kiss
Before the end of this song
Because love can burn like a cigarette
And leave you alone with nothing
And leave you alone with nothing
While the others talk
We were listening to lovers rock
In her bedroom
In her bedroom
And if you start to kiss
And the record skips
Flip it over
And sit a little closer
But if you're too drunk to drive
And the music is right
She might let you stay
But just for the night
And if she grabs for your hand
And drags you along
She might want a kiss
Before the end of this song
Because love can burn like a cigarette
And leave you alone with nothing
And leave you alone with nothing
reading this i actually started hearing the song in my head
reading this i actually started hearing the song in my head
When you listen to it, who does it remind you of?
its a good song,tbh TV girls' songs r just good
And there was nothing I could to stop… her from cutting… her beautiful blue hair off.
When you listen to it, who does it remind you of?

And there was nothing I could to stop… her from cutting… her beautiful blue hair off.
myself,my mom and some ex friends I had (one is now in a mental hospital and the other is a druggie now😕)
Everyone fears death. That's why we have high inhibitions, are cautious etc.

It's just biological
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #45
Why did you JFL his comment?

Also how do u make friends like that 😂

and druggies are funny 🤣

And mental hospital is a meme

I laugh at her instinct she prolly became frends with them without realising what kind of people they are
U should be able to know what kind of person one is in the first 5-10 encounters

I can tell everything about people ( this is the reason i have no friends and this is the reason i hate people

No one is fit to be my friend and

people are either boring or disgusting)
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #46

Also how do u make friends like that 😂

and druggies are funny 🤣

And mental hospital is a meme

I laugh at her instinct she prolly became frends with them without realising what kind of people they are
U should be able to know what kind of person one is in the first 5-10 encounters

I can tell everything about people ( this is the reason i have no friends and this is the reason i hate people

No one is fit to be my friend and

people are either boring or disgusting)
Online i can't tell because i can't fully use all my senses

Also how do u make friends like that 😂

and druggies are funny 🤣

And mental hospital is a meme

I laugh at her instinct she prolly became frends with them without realising what kind of people they are
U should be able to know what kind of person one is in the first 5-10 encounters

I can tell everything about people ( this is the reason i have no friends and this is the reason i hate people

No one is fit to be my friend and

people are either boring or disgusting)
firstly i knew them before they became like that (the druggie changed schools and got majorly influenced at bad time in her life and the one in the mental hospital I'm not sure even how she got there because there is little communication possible in there)
secondly,no you wouldn't b able to tell bruh because they weren't like thst at the time ( they were/seemed just like normal people)
thirdly mental hospitals arent a meme,kinda concerning you think they r
I don’t fear being dead, I just fear certain ways of dying

I don’t like to think there’s an afterlife, so death itself is non existence, which is in a way comforting

For example, what were you thinking in the year 1244? You weren’t there you didn’t exist, and death is the same way

You can’t even process the fact that you’ve died because your conciseness doesn’t exist anymore

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