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Do u fear death ?

Do u fear death

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firstly i knew them before they became like that (the druggie changed schools and got majorly influenced at bad time in her life and the one in the mental hospital I'm not sure even how she got there because there is little communication possible in there)
secondly,no you wouldn't b able to tell bruh because they weren't like thst at the time ( they were/seemed just like normal people)
thirdly mental hospitals arent a meme,kinda concerning you think they r
I would be able to tell that they can be easily influenced by negative things
I can tell how people would react to certain elements

Mental hospitals are so bad and they treat patients so badly there that they shouldn't be called a mental hospitals

It should be called special prisons
I don’t fear being dead, I just fear certain ways of dying

I don’t like to think there’s an afterlife, so death itself is non existence, which is in a way comforting

For example, what were you thinking in the year 1244? You weren’t there you didn’t exist, and death is the same way

You can’t even process the fact that you’ve died because your conciseness doesn’t exist anymore
Right before death u can
one moved and doesnt want to b friends with me bcs I too don't want to be a drug addict
Druggie is a bad friend

My bad for calling u bad frnd
i have no idea but apparently when shes 18 they will kick her out
concerned for her bcs that might mean she will b homeless
She would end up dead if she is a mental patient who is homeless 😞
I am scared for people now

Shes not even 18 and in a mental hospital😭
And other one is an addict

Addicts die horrible deaths 😔
yh my town is vry crazy
most minors do drugs
Leave that place asap

Druggies are very dangerous

And what is the administration doing how is everyone getting drugs

UK fell off man 😔