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Do u guys fw me 🙈

Has anyone actually seen @Quncho face? He cries over being cyber bullied yet expects us to believe hes a slayer. Ma boi writes poems for looksmax servers without looksmaxxing
How yall look when u don’t fw me

Has anyone actually seen @Quncho face? He cries over being cyber bullied yet expects us to believe hes a slayer. Ma boi writes poems for looksmax servers without looksmaxxing
Has anyone actually seen your face. You spend your days making huge controversy threads on bullshit instead of living your life. Ma boi spends hours on his days writing larp threads and being racist, pretending to be t****y etcm
Has anyone actually seen your face. You spend your days making huge controversy threads on bullshit instead of living your life. Ma boi spends hours on his days writing larp threads and being racist, pretending to be t****y etcm
I have 😎
Has anyone actually seen your face. You spend your days making huge controversy threads on bullshit instead of living your life. Ma boi spends hours on his days writing larp threads and being racist, pretending to be t****y etcm
Yeah im sexy as hell so get mogged urkcel
Lesbian male trait: calling a woman low T as an insult. You have so much estrogen you actually said that to a woman. Holy shit
not even joking with that frame she prob t mogs me
@holalola would be the theoretical man of the relationship
I don't understand how you think what you’re saying is funny 😂. Maybe you set the phone down to think of jokes before you post them. Later n***a
Yas queen attitude 😍 r u rupaul himself