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Discussion do u think handwritting is genetic

y'all should stop blaming everything on genetics.
unless you are physically or mentally disabled, genetics do not affect your handwriting.
just practice handwriting or/and find a new style or font, did this a couple of times since middle school and my writing went from terrible to readable and looking pretty.
maybe concentration, hand dexterity, effort, mental disabilities are all genetic
otherwise no. you can put in the effort to change. i went from shit handwriting to less shit handwriting. and if i write really really slowly it can look pleasing to the eye
Obviously it’s mostly genetic but it’s definitely possible to train for it to be more legible but some people don’t have motivation to do that (it’s not a natural instinct anyways), so then they stay at that level of handwriting
ive seen mfs with the worst handwriting and it never changes
do u think handwriting can get better or stay the same ur whole life
No. It's neurological adapations. I have shitty hand writing mostly because i never found it important to improve. I just scribble like shit and it's been fine. I type better than I write. However for a very very brief time in my youthbe my hand writing was beautiful and perfect. Then it went to shit when I just stopped trying and caring about writing. Got untrained so to speak.
It can look slightly better if I try but I usually don't try much. I don't hate my own handwriting but I've definitely seen prettier handwriting than mine.
Nothing related to your mental capacity is "genetic".
There's no way to "genetically select" for NON PHYSICAL THINGS.
handwriting = NON GENETIC
That is simply not true.
I have beautiful handwriting and I can change it up to 4 different styles at will

I've always loved writing
That is simply not true.
Well, the statement "Simply not true" begs the question, "What do you mean by true?" Because when you are dealing with fundamental realities and you pose a question, you have to understand that the reality of the concepts of your question, when you’re digging that deep, are just as questionable as what you’re questioning. So people say to me "Do you believe in God?" And I think, OK, there’s a couple of mysteries in that question – what do you mean "do"? What do you mean "you"? What do you mean "believe"? And what do you mean "God"?
Well, the statement "Simply not true" begs the question, "What do you mean by true?" Because when you are dealing with fundamental realities and you pose a question, you have to understand that the reality of the concepts of your question, when you’re digging that deep, are just as questionable as what you’re questioning. So people say to me "Do you believe in God?" And I think, OK, there’s a couple of mysteries in that question – what do you mean "do"? What do you mean "you"? What do you mean "believe"? And what do you mean "God"?
Wannabe intellectual here that is really just spueing nonsense
ive seen mfs with the worst handwriting and it never changes
do u think handwriting can get better or stay the same ur whole life
….. I’ve never seen coping to this degree just practice if it’s that bad get one of those kids books for handwriting practice
Well, the statement "Simply not true" begs the question, "What do you mean by true?" Because when you are dealing with fundamental realities and you pose a question, you have to understand that the reality of the concepts of your question, when you’re digging that deep, are just as questionable as what you’re questioning. So people say to me "Do you believe in God?" And I think, OK, there’s a couple of mysteries in that question – what do you mean "do"? What do you mean "you"? What do you mean "believe"? And what do you mean "God"?
Genetics play a role in brain function.
Genetics play a role in brain function.
what property of the brain does hand writing ability reduce to? :ROFLMAO:

If it doesnt exist as a property in the brain, it can't be "selected for', only physical things can be genetically 'selected for'.
what property of the brain does hand writing ability reduce to? :ROFLMAO:

If it doesnt exist as a property in the brain, it can't be "selected for', only physical things can be genetically 'selected for'.
Cerebellum controls motor function and hand-eye coordination.

Some people have mental illnesses that affect hand-writing.

Your brain affects EVERYTHING, all your "doesn't exist' properties are just illusions via your brain, hormones, natural instincts etc.

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