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Do you know where to find CopeAndRope ?


Jan 12, 2020
Is there anybody who knows where to find CopeAndRope now ? He was banned on looksmax and I really need to ask him about facepuller results. Maybe somebody know his other accs on websites and forums or acc in fb, etc. ?
Is there anybody who knows where to find CopeAndRope now ? He was banned on looksmax and I really need to ask him about facepuller results. Maybe somebody know his other accs on websites and forums or acc in fb, etc. ?
Ask one of the admins on *********** to forward a message to his email.

Tell him to come to this site.
Is there anybody who knows where to find CopeAndRope now ? He was banned on looksmax and I really need to ask him about facepuller results. Maybe somebody know his other accs on websites and forums or acc in fb, etc. ?
I'm right here
Is there anybody who knows where to find CopeAndRope now ? He was banned on looksmax and I really need to ask him about facepuller results. Maybe somebody know his other accs on websites and forums or acc in fb, etc. ?
Hes in looksmax discord grop, messagr him there
Cope and rope is on vacation he does not wish to be disturbed

Also why do you keep posting your pics here and asking the same old questions over and over and over TF is wrong with you ???!?
  • JFL
Reactions: Rei
Actually I asked him and some other guys who were using his prototype of fp, after all everybody told me it was cope if somebody interested in the topic too.
Cope and rope is on vacation he does not wish to be disturbed

Also why do you keep posting your pics here and asking the same old questions over and over and over TF is wrong with you ???!?
Cause there are a lot of theoretical ways for fp or other methods of improving cases like mine but there are almost all of them weren't practically verified by users of forums like that. There are almost none "before-and-after" pics after fp or some other methods so I hope for new users who really have some showcases after using fp or maybe for new methods (even yesterday one user on .me told me about new method for pulling that I even never heard about). You can't just use some stuff that weren't approved by anyone, it could make your case even worse, it's all about amateur methods, non of them were approved by doctors (or physicians at least), it's dangerous to check things like CopeAndRope's facepuller when you know nothing about real results (wouldn't you think that it could hurt your teeth or palate, crash your bones, etc.).

Yesterday after long researches and chatting with users on great works I found good facepulling method for me and it was even approved by experiments, now I'm only waiting for the end of the COVID epidemic to start it.
So don't be afraid cause I would never use this forum for questions like this in the future, just going to make a thread with results here and on .me as I really want to help.other users with practically approved method of facepulling, not like some users.
Cause there are a lot of theoretical ways for fp or other methods of improving cases like mine but there are almost all of them weren't practically verified by users of forums like that. There are almost none "before-and-after" pics after fp or some other methods so I hope for new users who really have some showcases after using fp or maybe for new methods (even yesterday one user on .me told me about new method for pulling that I even never heard about). You can't just use some stuff that weren't approved by anyone, it could make your case even worse, it's all about amateur methods, non of them were approved by doctors (or physicians at least), it's dangerous to check things like CopeAndRope's facepuller when you know nothing about real results (wouldn't you think that it could hurt your teeth or palate, crash your bones, etc.).

Yesterday after long researches and chatting with users on great works I found good facepulling method for me and it was even approved by experiments, now I'm only waiting for the end of the COVID epidemic to start it.
So don't be afraid cause I would never use this forum for questions like this in the future, just going to make a thread with results here and on .me as I really want to help.other users with practically approved method of facepulling, not like some users.
n*****s pay me to read dis shit
Cause there are a lot of theoretical ways for fp or other methods of improving cases like mine but there are almost all of them weren't practically verified by users of forums like that. There are almost none "before-and-after" pics after fp or some other methods so I hope for new users who really have some showcases after using fp or maybe for new methods (even yesterday one user on .me told me about new method for pulling that I even never heard about). You can't just use some stuff that weren't approved by anyone, it could make your case even worse, it's all about amateur methods, non of them were approved by doctors (or physicians at least), it's dangerous to check things like CopeAndRope's facepuller when you know nothing about real results (wouldn't you think that it could hurt your teeth or palate, crash your bones, etc.).

Yesterday after long researches and chatting with users on great works I found good facepulling method for me and it was even approved by experiments, now I'm only waiting for the end of the COVID epidemic to start it.
So don't be afraid cause I would never use this forum for questions like this in the future, just going to make a thread with results here and on .me as I really want to help.other users with practically approved method of facepulling, not like some users.
Best of luck bro
My bad I shouldn't have jumped the gun and acted on impulse.
I really like that you want to help other people 👌