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Do you think it’s worth getting leaner at this point, debating on when to end the cut

maybe just reduce sodium and cut out creatine if you use it, creatine bloats me right up especially in the face, if you legitimately want to lower your bodyfat even more it will probably be tough, if you get a good tan it would make you look a lot more ripped.
? Looking for validation? Of course you are not fat and look fit. Wtf.
If you cut anymore you are just gonna look small and skinny. That's how it goes for natural lifters
getting leaner is always worth it, you should try getting a real bf% measurement (i think those in-body scales are alright but not fully accurate tho) usually for guys i think it’s 9-12% where they look nice and shredded (maintainable? not too sure)
getting leaner is always worth it, you should try getting a real bf% measurement (i think those in-body scales are alright but not fully accurate tho) usually for guys i think it’s 9-12% where they look nice and shredded (maintainable? not too sure)
12% is maintainable if you're constantly exercising or have a great matabolism
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If you cut anymore you are just gonna look small and skinny. That's how it goes for natural lifters
Yeah the natural dilemma is def very real, I’m already looking smaller than I’d like in clothes, but look ok shirtless
True, I’m tryna get to a bf% I’m happy with, and then try to build muscle while minimizing fat
You are already low bodyfat if I were you I would eat maintaince and workout good build muscle

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