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Discussion Do you want children ?


no longer active
Sep 27, 2024
Why or why not ?

Me personally, I’m on the fence regarding this topic.

For against: I don’t want to bring my kids into this world without great genetics, without connections, wealth etc, basically without having any advantages in life, how can you be happy with yourself knowing your just shitting out another worker bee and then ur kids doing the same, just to turn the machine ?

A life like that isn’t worth living m, not to mention the fact that the hard working average guy is no longer coming home to hot food on the table, kids and a dog happy to see him the second he opens the front door, and a loving wife.

As for why I would: for one I would need to reach certain Milestones before I’d consider it, the most important ones being:

Finding a mate with good genes: good height, good facial features and bone structure, healthy, fertile, high IQ, not mentally ill.

The second milestone would be to be in the 95th percentile of income for whichever country I decide to settle down in.

Third milestone is pretty close in nature to the second, but that is moving to a nice area in a good country, ideally a safe, prosperous, clean town, why a town ? Well it’s just different when most people know each other, you have a bigger sense of belonging, I’ve never experienced this, but I’d certainly want my children to, I haven’t thought of exactly which neighbourhood to move in to, but some countries on my list are: Sweden 🇸🇪 Denmark 🇩🇰 Norway 🇳🇴 Finland 🇫🇮 Switzerland 🇨🇭 Japan 🇯🇵 USA 🇺🇸 Canada 🇨🇦

The fourth milestone is to get embryo selection or IVF screening for IQ, amongst other things but IQ being the top pick, this will ensure that my kids have the highest IQs possible.

On average this procedure gives a 25 point IQ boost to the offspring based on the average of their parents.

Now the way IQ works is very complicated but from my own research, if let’s say both parents have IQs of 145, this doesn’t mean their kid will, there is regression towards the mean, but, the kids are MORE LIKELY to develop higher IQs, so you need the genetics as a multiplier of sorts and the IVF screening process acts like a base.

If you made it to the end, thanks for reading (doubt anyone has) and I would be interested in reading what you have to say on this matter.
tbh your kids will most likely be set on height genes, but being 6'5 and having a good looking face is fucking rare. I've seen one 6'6 irl guy with a good looking face and he was black, and most guys over 6'4 look retarded.
I agree on every point you made except IQ screening.
also not having children in this shithole lmao, you just have to parent your kids right for them to turn out fairly intelligent, you can have an iqmogger kid and all theyll do is dumb theirselves down to short form brainrot, good diet and sleep for my kids with the occasional bloodwork, if something isnt right fix it right there
I feel as though you need to be blessed in atleast one area of life (i.e hair, face, height, athletic abilities, IQ, etc) to actually live a much fulfilling life then the average person.
Why or why not ?

Me personally, I’m on the fence regarding this topic.

For against: I don’t want to bring my kids into this world without great genetics, without connections, wealth etc, basically without having any advantages in life, how can you be happy with yourself knowing your just shitting out another worker bee and then ur kids doing the same, just to turn the machine ?

A life like that isn’t worth living m, not to mention the fact that the hard working average guy is no longer coming home to hot food on the table, kids and a dog happy to see him the second he opens the front door, and a loving wife.

As for why I would: for one I would need to reach certain Milestones before I’d consider it, the most important ones being:

Finding a mate with good genes: good height, good facial features and bone structure, healthy, fertile, high IQ, not mentally ill.

The second milestone would be to be in the 95th percentile of income for whichever country I decide to settle down in.

Third milestone is pretty close in nature to the second, but that is moving to a nice area in a good country, ideally a safe, prosperous, clean town, why a town ? Well it’s just different when most people know each other, you have a bigger sense of belonging, I’ve never experienced this, but I’d certainly want my children to, I haven’t thought of exactly which neighbourhood to move in to, but some countries on my list are: Sweden 🇸🇪 Denmark 🇩🇰 Norway 🇳🇴 Finland 🇫🇮 Switzerland 🇨🇭 Japan 🇯🇵 USA 🇺🇸 Canada 🇨🇦

The fourth milestone is to get embryo selection or IVF screening for IQ, amongst other things but IQ being the top pick, this will ensure that my kids have the highest IQs possible.

On average this procedure gives a 25 point IQ boost to the offspring based on the average of their parents.

Now the way IQ works is very complicated but from my own research, if let’s say both parents have IQs of 145, this doesn’t mean their kid will, there is regression towards the mean, but, the kids are MORE LIKELY to develop higher IQs, so you need the genetics as a multiplier of sorts and the IVF screening process acts like a base.

If you made it to the end, thanks for reading (doubt anyone has) and I would be interested in reading what you have to say on this matter.
Agree on everything you said.
I have the same opinion as you when it comes to having a kid, I don’t wanna create another wagie who struggles through life.
I love kids and I wanna raise one but with my subpar genetics I don’t think I will want to create one tbh.
I don’t think I am ever gonna be rich so I have now settled down with the idea of adopting a kid .
Agree on everything you said.
I have the same opinion as you when it comes to having a kid, I don’t wanna create another wagie who struggles through life.
I love kids and I wanna raise one but with my subpar genetics I don’t think I will want to create one tbh.
I don’t think I am ever gonna be rich so I have now settled down with the idea of adopting a kid .
yeah being rich is the only way out of living a subpar life with shit genes and even then, rich people tend to have high IQ's meaning they're still genetically blessed in one area of life, believe it or not.
yeah being rich is the only way out of living a subpar life with shit genes and even then, rich people tend to have high IQ's meaning they're still genetically blessed in one area of life, believe it or not.
Yep exactly,
I have decided I am never passing on my dysgenic genes as much as I have the urge to.
I am blessed with nothing , I don’t want a kid struggling in life.
Yep exactly,
I have decided I am never passing on my dysgenic genes as much as I have the urge to.
I am blessed with nothing , I don’t want a kid struggling in life
I've been blessed with hair and i'll most likely have NW0 for most of my life, and it benefits me when i'm going older as obviously most guys my age will be receeding. Even then, it won't really be much of a blessing if my competition is a guy with hernan drago level bone structure.
I've been blessed with hair and i'll most likely have NW0 for most of my life, and it benefits me when i'm going older as obviously most guys my age will be receeding. Even then, it won't really be much of a blessing if my competition is a guy with hernan drago level bone structure.
I don’t think you would ever see hernan drago level guys irl , that’s quiet an exaggeration tbh.
Why or why not ?

Me personally, I’m on the fence regarding this topic.

For against: I don’t want to bring my kids into this world without great genetics, without connections, wealth etc, basically without having any advantages in life, how can you be happy with yourself knowing your just shitting out another worker bee and then ur kids doing the same, just to turn the machine ?

A life like that isn’t worth living m, not to mention the fact that the hard working average guy is no longer coming home to hot food on the table, kids and a dog happy to see him the second he opens the front door, and a loving wife.

As for why I would: for one I would need to reach certain Milestones before I’d consider it, the most important ones being:

Finding a mate with good genes: good height, good facial features and bone structure, healthy, fertile, high IQ, not mentally ill.

The second milestone would be to be in the 95th percentile of income for whichever country I decide to settle down in.

Third milestone is pretty close in nature to the second, but that is moving to a nice area in a good country, ideally a safe, prosperous, clean town, why a town ? Well it’s just different when most people know each other, you have a bigger sense of belonging, I’ve never experienced this, but I’d certainly want my children to, I haven’t thought of exactly which neighbourhood to move in to, but some countries on my list are: Sweden 🇸🇪 Denmark 🇩🇰 Norway 🇳🇴 Finland 🇫🇮 Switzerland 🇨🇭 Japan 🇯🇵 USA 🇺🇸 Canada 🇨🇦

The fourth milestone is to get embryo selection or IVF screening for IQ, amongst other things but IQ being the top pick, this will ensure that my kids have the highest IQs possible.

On average this procedure gives a 25 point IQ boost to the offspring based on the average of their parents.

Now the way IQ works is very complicated but from my own research, if let’s say both parents have IQs of 145, this doesn’t mean their kid will, there is regression towards the mean, but, the kids are MORE LIKELY to develop higher IQs, so you need the genetics as a multiplier of sorts and the IVF screening process acts like a base.

If you made it to the end, thanks for reading (doubt anyone has) and I would be interested in reading what you have to say on this matter.
i mean id want kids but I'd feel guilty if i gave them my brainchem

im rated chadlite by wahmen consistently but as soon as they catch me not masking my autism they file a restraining order

so close yet so far
i mean id want kids but I'd feel guilty if i gave them my brainchem

im rated chadlite by wahmen consistently but as soon as they catch me not masking my autism they file a restraining order

so close yet so far
Brutal tbh
Agree on everything you said.
I have the same opinion as you when it comes to having a kid, I don’t wanna create another wagie who struggles through life.
I love kids and I wanna raise one but with my subpar genetics I don’t think I will want to create one tbh.
I don’t think I am ever gonna be rich so I have now settled down with the idea of adopting a kid .
Most attractive people tend to have pretty average looking parents. It's not having flawless parents, but more about how their features combine. Genetics work in unexpected ways.
thats actually so brutal, ouch
How though ,
She told me her life would not be purposeful if me and my siblings weren’t born so I think it’s a good thing, atleast I got to experience my moms love idk.
my dad in his prime was
How though ,
She told me her life would not be purposeful if me and my siblings weren’t born so I think it’s a good thing, atleast I got to experience my moms love idk.
oooh she meant it like that

ok thats nice
Most attractive people tend to have pretty average looking parents. It's not having flawless parents, but more about how their features combine. Genetics work in unexpected ways.
True tbh, idk maybe I will have my own kids . It’s all confusing to my little brain.
How though ,
She told me her life would not be purposeful if me and my siblings weren’t born so I think it’s a good thing, atleast I got to experience my moms love idk.
It’s not brutal, it is simply the truth. The only purpose of life is to ensure its continuation. Each individual is nothing but a vector for information, both genetic and learned. The individual exists only to bridge the gap between the previous link and the next. All this shit about self-actualization, having fun, etc is mostly cope.
For against: I don’t want to bring my kids into this world without great genetics, without connections, wealth etc, basically without having any advantages in life, how can you be happy with yourself knowing your just shitting out another worker bee and then ur kids doing the same, just to turn the machine ?
But children need some kind of hardship, or they'll grow up into soft retards
I want children, preferrably mostly daughters so that they dont suffer incel life
Not impossible, just not something companies do currently.
IQ changes with age and envirnoment.
For example toxins during and after pregnancy, nutrition and health, education, pollution, all lead to increased IQ.
True tbh, idk maybe I will have my own kids . It’s all confusing to my little brain.
Just have kids, they'll figure life out just like you did. There's no life without having little mini you’s running around to be honest.
IQ changes with age and envirnoment.
For example toxins during and after pregnancy, nutrition and health, education, pollution, all lead to increased IQ.
My mom said she took some iq gainsing pills during pregnancy but I still ended up low iq.
IQ changes with age and envirnoment.
For example toxins during and after pregnancy, nutrition and health, education, pollution, all lead to increased IQ.
If you are a carbcel yes your brain will degrade with age. So? There are still genetic factors that correlate with an increased IQ, which means you can predict whether or not a child will be more intelligent or less. This doesn’t mean you will know the exact number that they will score on a test.
My mom said she took some iq gainsing pills during pregnancy but I still ended up low iq.
IQ gaining pill is cope.
During pregnancy all you can hope for is that your child doesnt have a disorder, no toxins, healthy
If you are a carbcel yes your brain will degrade with age. So? There are still genetic factors that correlate with an increased IQ, which means you can predict whether or not a child will be more intelligent or less. This doesn’t mean you will know the exact number that they will score on a test.
but what im saying is there is a very large flexibility in IQ, so you cant know for sure
the only thing you can test for is disorders in the kid during the pregnancy, and that can be correlated to lower IQ. so thats what i suggest is to be done, dont have a downie kid
I am having kids , fuck all this looksmaxxing shit.
No kids = lonely life hugging your pillows, I don’t want that life.
just make sure they know they are loved by u

thats all i can say def not projecting
but what im saying is there is a very large flexibility in IQ, so you cant know for sure
the only thing you can test for is disorders in the kid during the pregnancy, and that can be correlated to lower IQ. so thats what i suggest is to be done, dont have a downie kid
IQ a very heritable trait. Genetics matter FAR more than environment.
It’s not brutal, it is simply the truth. The only purpose of life is to ensure its continuation. Each individual is nothing but a vector for information, both genetic and learned. The individual exists only to bridge the gap between the previous link and the next. All this shit about self-actualization, having fun, etc is mostly cope.
Makes sense tbh
Decided , I am having kids. Fuck antinaltalism.