Why or why not ?
Me personally, I’m on the fence regarding this topic.
For against: I don’t want to bring my kids into this world without great genetics, without connections, wealth etc, basically without having any advantages in life, how can you be happy with yourself knowing your just shitting out another worker bee and then ur kids doing the same, just to turn the machine ?
A life like that isn’t worth living m, not to mention the fact that the hard working average guy is no longer coming home to hot food on the table, kids and a dog happy to see him the second he opens the front door, and a loving wife.
As for why I would: for one I would need to reach certain Milestones before I’d consider it, the most important ones being:
Finding a mate with good genes: good height, good facial features and bone structure, healthy, fertile, high IQ, not mentally ill.
The second milestone would be to be in the 95th percentile of income for whichever country I decide to settle down in.
Third milestone is pretty close in nature to the second, but that is moving to a nice area in a good country, ideally a safe, prosperous, clean town, why a town ? Well it’s just different when most people know each other, you have a bigger sense of belonging, I’ve never experienced this, but I’d certainly want my children to, I haven’t thought of exactly which neighbourhood to move in to, but some countries on my list are: Sweden
The fourth milestone is to get embryo selection or IVF screening for IQ, amongst other things but IQ being the top pick, this will ensure that my kids have the highest IQs possible.
On average this procedure gives a 25 point IQ boost to the offspring based on the average of their parents.
Now the way IQ works is very complicated but from my own research, if let’s say both parents have IQs of 145, this doesn’t mean their kid will, there is regression towards the mean, but, the kids are MORE LIKELY to develop higher IQs, so you need the genetics as a multiplier of sorts and the IVF screening process acts like a base.
If you made it to the end, thanks for reading (doubt anyone has) and I would be interested in reading what you have to say on this matter.
Me personally, I’m on the fence regarding this topic.
For against: I don’t want to bring my kids into this world without great genetics, without connections, wealth etc, basically without having any advantages in life, how can you be happy with yourself knowing your just shitting out another worker bee and then ur kids doing the same, just to turn the machine ?
A life like that isn’t worth living m, not to mention the fact that the hard working average guy is no longer coming home to hot food on the table, kids and a dog happy to see him the second he opens the front door, and a loving wife.
As for why I would: for one I would need to reach certain Milestones before I’d consider it, the most important ones being:
Finding a mate with good genes: good height, good facial features and bone structure, healthy, fertile, high IQ, not mentally ill.
The second milestone would be to be in the 95th percentile of income for whichever country I decide to settle down in.
Third milestone is pretty close in nature to the second, but that is moving to a nice area in a good country, ideally a safe, prosperous, clean town, why a town ? Well it’s just different when most people know each other, you have a bigger sense of belonging, I’ve never experienced this, but I’d certainly want my children to, I haven’t thought of exactly which neighbourhood to move in to, but some countries on my list are: Sweden

The fourth milestone is to get embryo selection or IVF screening for IQ, amongst other things but IQ being the top pick, this will ensure that my kids have the highest IQs possible.
On average this procedure gives a 25 point IQ boost to the offspring based on the average of their parents.
Now the way IQ works is very complicated but from my own research, if let’s say both parents have IQs of 145, this doesn’t mean their kid will, there is regression towards the mean, but, the kids are MORE LIKELY to develop higher IQs, so you need the genetics as a multiplier of sorts and the IVF screening process acts like a base.
If you made it to the end, thanks for reading (doubt anyone has) and I would be interested in reading what you have to say on this matter.