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Discussion Do you want children ?

Do you think an autistic chad can slay like a htn NT dude
To me it feels like NTness matters a lot .
Idk , I have never laid my eyes on anything above htn irl .
imo as long as he’s not severely mentally ill chad can still hit

really depends on how autistic he is
imo as long as he’s not severely mentally ill chad can still hit

really depends on how autistic he is
Ig so, but nobody wants to be around awkward people.
The prettiest girl in class is not as popular cuz she is kinda introverted but she still has a friend group.
I feel like Ntness matter a lot .
Ig so, but nobody wants to be around awkward people.
The prettiest girl in class is not as popular cuz she is kinda introverted but she still has a friend group.
I feel like Ntness matter a lot .
imo as a kid growing up nt is law, especially in school

bad school life = bad childhood

bad childhood = over

I’m living proof nt is law
NT matters if you want to be k an oofy doofy cuck
if you want to be LOVED as a male you must either be WHITE and 60th percentile or a 99th percentile Deathnik and even then you will never be loved the same way white man will be
Ethnic male can get other ethnica so not as bad as you are making it sound imo.
Cope I crave an awkward pretty girl who doesn’t speak.
That’s just you, other people don’t think like that.
I am awkward as shit and get told why I don’t speak all the time by my teachers and peers and by my own family too bruh. I am not making shit up.
Every man has a crush on the most NT girl possible. Nobody wants soem stupid girl who doesn’t know how to communicate with people.
imo as a kid growing up nt is law, especially in school

bad school life = bad childhood

bad childhood = over

I’m living proof nt is law
if you want to know what messed up me so badly, I’ll give you tldr

Got severely bullied (punched, kicked)

all my ‘best friends’ used me, particularly when getting women

most of my friends were druggies and had to bail them out of their problems or stop them roping

lost my good friend after he roped and ODed at 14, knew him for 10 years at that point

There’s more but that comes off the top of my head personally
if you want to know what messed up me so badly, I’ll give you tldr

Got severely bullied (punched, kicked)

all my ‘best friends’ used me, particularly getting women

most of my friends were druggies and had to bail them out of their problems or stop them roping

lost my good friend after he roped and ODed at 14, knew him for 10 years at that point

There’s more but that comes off the top of my head personally
Fuc man
That’s just you, other people don’t think like that.
I am awkward as shit and get told why I don’t speak all the time by my teachers and peers and by my own family too bruh. I am not making shit up.
Every man has a crush on the most NT girl possible. Nobody wants soem stupid girl who doesn’t know how to communicate with people.
and? do you have LOOX?
if you want to know what messed up me so badly, I’ll give you tldr

Got severely bullied (punched, kicked)

all my ‘best friends’ used me, particularly when getting women

most of my friends were druggies and had to bail them out of their problems or stop them roping

lost my good friend after he roped and ODed at 14, knew him for 10 years at that point

There’s more but that comes off the top of my head personally
That’s really sad bruh:peepoLove:
Cope women always overrate
only trust women when they rate with their Vagina
True but I get directly called cute by wahmen but as soon as I open my mouth I’m done

Plus I’m scared of fhem and humans as a whole
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NT is law; NT is everything. If you deny NT, you are coping because you are autistic. It’s NT first, then looks. Looks are only a problem for those below MTN. What don’t people understand? They think looks are everything, but that will only get you so far. No one wants to fuck a robot, bro. Especially women; they are more emotional creatures than visual ones. Males are more visual, but for a woman, you have to please her mind first before you can please her body.
“Yeah you’re not ugly teehee you’re cute”

“Ok have sex with me”

“umm im not that kinda girl”

then saturday night she gets railed by some random Jock she met at a frat party
NT is law; NT is everything. If you deny NT, you are coping because you are autistic. It’s NT first, then looks. Looks are only a problem for those below MTN. What don’t people understand? They think looks are everything, but that will only get you so far. No one wants to fuck a robot, bro. Especially women; they are more emotional creatures than visual ones. Males are more visual, but for a woman, you have to please her mind first before you can please her body.
High iq
All men weather chad or sub5 are the same.
If I have a husband. I will find one who worships me and is a mega simp .idc if he is sub5 but I hate being cured.
bro I want the women to worship me you can’t have it both ways bhai
High iq
This guy, man, I swear to God. You have some people here who will say anything instead of accepting the truth and reconciling with the fact that it’s their behavior that is the issue, not their looks. You can blame your looks since you don’t choose them, but you have some control over your behavior, so it becomes confronting to admit that’s the reason for your romantic failure.
This guy, man, I swear to God. You have some people here who will say anything instead of accepting the truth and reconciling with the fact that it’s their behavior that is the issue, not their looks. You can blame your looks since you don’t choose them, but you have some control over your behavior, so it becomes confronting to admit that’s the reason for your romantic failure.
This guy, man, I swear to God. You have some people here who will say anything instead of accepting the truth and reconciling with the fact that it’s their behavior that is the issue, not their looks. You can blame your looks since you don’t choose them, but you have some control over your behavior, so it becomes confronting to admit that’s the reason for your romantic failure.
my behavior is a non-factor its RACE and LOOKS only