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Do yuo think genetic engineering is against nature or using nature?

using nature
i mean all man made buildings were created by animals (us) using the environment around us (making tools and mining for iron or wood)
its like birds that use twigs rocks and mud to build nests
genetic engineering is basically how we have super advanced tech, many steps ahead of primitive. this is also good cuz natural selection has halted, now we can actually see more change to our genes like we are supposed to
Speeding up the evolutionary process. Unless we start adding new genes - it's not against nature
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  • #5
Also, does anybody know what is genetic engineering is capable of right now? What exactly can you alter and choose?
Mostly diseases I think. You can add up to 7cm of height via genetic engineering. Eye color can be altered too. Bone structure is able to be modified too. keep in mind everything added up and each procedure may cost $2m each. So you need to be a mega millionaire or spedn all ur fortune on ur kids(which I would) to change genes.
Mostly diseases I think. You can add up to 7cm of height via genetic engineering. Eye color can be altered too. Bone structure is able to be modified too. keep in mind everything added up and each procedure may cost $2m each. So you need to be a mega millionaire or spedn all ur fortune on ur kids(which I would) to change genes.
i think generational surgeries would cost less
Mostly diseases I think. You can add up to 7cm of height via genetic engineering. Eye color can be altered too. Bone structure is able to be modified too. keep in mind everything added up and each procedure may cost $2m each. So you need to be a mega millionaire or spedn all ur fortune on ur kids(which I would) to change genes.
Oh, I knew it was expensive, but not that much. Thought it’d be like 100k to have an ubermensch son
Mostly diseases I think. You can add up to 7cm of height via genetic engineering. Eye color can be altered too. Bone structure is able to be modified too. keep in mind everything added up and each procedure may cost $2m each. So you need to be a mega millionaire or spedn all ur fortune on ur kids(which I would) to change genes.
are you saying it’s $2m to change height, another $2m to change eye color, and another $2m to change bones?
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  • #11
are you saying it’s $2m to change height, another $2m to change eye color, and another $2m to change bones?
Wouldn't doubt it. Commercialy it's not available, but there are gonna be underground facilities that will take deals for millions so this is for the uber rich.
Who cares, the only reason we have such good lives is because we went against nature.

We already left it a long time ago.
Wouldn't doubt it. Commercialy it's not available, but there are gonna be underground facilities that will take deals for millions so this is for the uber rich.
and this would alter the genetic material in such a way that from that generation on, all my descendants would have these genes? So if I had it changed to make my kid 7cm taller, that would be the new genetic baseline?
and this would alter the genetic material in such a way that from that generation on, all my descendants would have these genes? So if I had it changed to make my kid 7cm taller, that would be the new genetic baseline?
you would have to modify your germ cells. germ cells are what produce sperm/egg.
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  • #16
Who cares, the only reason we have such good lives is because we went against nature.

We already left it a long time ago.
In terms of society and other manmade constructs like dating, language, etc. We still haven't evolved past the primal genetic selection that men and women naturally have, same thing for let's say reflexes. Maybe a human can be messed up biochemically, it still doesnt change the fact we innately are still born and have certain things that even humans cannot go against. Some parts of nature never can be cured, just like how our planet with succumb and never exist again.
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  • #17
and this would alter the genetic material in such a way that from that generation on, all my descendants would have these genes? So if I had it changed to make my kid 7cm taller, that would be the new genetic baseline?
Yes and no. The genes can still be passed on but not 100% just because of genetic recombination but you have a higher likelihood of the generation after having those genes, it also depends on the maternal side too. Genetics can be very chance and probability based, unless acted upon by engineering and forcing genes out or in.

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