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does anyone have any tips for increasing height on 2-3 cm??


Aug 6, 2024
hey there!! i’m curious if there are any tips to increase your height for 0.5” or 1” inch. Has somebody had experience of increasing height?? i’m seventeen and still growing, but i want pretty quick and maximum results. maybe some useful techniques for that🙏🙏

i’ll be very grateful for any advice🤍🤍
hey there!! i’m curious if there are any tips to increase your height for 0.5” or 1” inch. Has somebody had experience of increasing height?? i’m seventeen and still growing, but i want pretty quick and maximum results. maybe some useful techniques for that🙏🙏

i’ll be very grateful for any advice🤍🤍
You're 17, so your height will mostly stop increasing by 18-20. If you want to get taller after that, the only permanent solution is limb lengthening, but it's expensive and can impair your leg health, like limiting your ability to jump. For a temporary boost, you can try height insoles or heigth socks.
aromasin + hgh
ik youre female but you need to lower your estrogen temporarily because estrogen causes ephiphyseal fusion and closes plates. thats why women are on average shorter than men and puberty ends earlier
you can also have good posture and wear shoe lifts
be healthy
Unlikely you’ll grow taller as a girl at this age, unless your puberty was very very late. What you can do is improve your posture and try to increase the thickness of your intervertebral discs to add height in your spine. Start wearing thicker shoes with lifts inside them or wear high heals. Also your clothing can make you look taller or shorter to wear clothes that make you appear taller.
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  • #7
aromasin + hgh
ik youre female but you need to lower your estrogen temporarily because estrogen causes ephiphyseal fusion and closes plates. thats why women are on average shorter than men and puberty ends earlier
you can also have good posture and wear shoe lifts
be healthy
oh thank you sm!! is hgh a steroids? or could i just have dietary supplements?
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  • #8
You're 17, so your height will mostly stop increasing by 18-20. If you want to get taller after that, the only permanent solution is limb lengthening, but it's expensive and can impair your leg health, like limiting your ability to jump. For a temporary boost, you can try height insoles or heigth socks.
i think i’m not that short for limb lengthening 😅😅

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