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Discussion does anyone here actually looksmax

Meat/Fruit diet (sometimes I get a little tasty treat from the bakery tho) Have used this diet from 270lbs last year to 180lbs currently
calorie deficit until 10% bf
tint my lashes and brows every month (might start curling my lashes)
self tanning drops (actually very underrated imo)
basic skin care routine
trying to grow out my hair but its giga dry and grows weird so might just opt for a short style that suits me
I try, I could be doing more.
I eat raw meat, drink whole milk, ect and try my best to eat naturally.

I train neck to increase width and facial masculinity

Castor oil for brows and lashes

Certain acid products for skin

Try my best to get sun daily


Stopped gymcelling

Growing my hair out

Mostly softmaxxes but plan to one day either get a rhinoplasty, and hair transplant when I start balding.
My main goal right now is proper development and nutrition, maximizing the end of puberty.