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Does anyone want to start a business with me?


6,3 Incel
Oct 18, 2023
As the title states, I want to start a business. I already have an idea, and I have also thought of ways to monetize it.The idea I have in mind is creating a website where people can create outfits with real clothing. They can drag items onto a model and see if the clothing items fit well together. Additionally, users can search for generic themes like "summer vibes" to get inspiration and find clothes that fit that search term. I have more ideas, but those are for later.Now I am wondering if someone would like to be my partner in this journey. I will handle all the coding work, but I need someone creative who can design. You should also not be afraid to make calls and find ways to promote the site.P.S. I don't have a site name yet.

Let me know if you are interested.
Nice, it can get clean with automation and others drop shipping techniques. Said that, those additional features may not be enough to make it more successful than others websites. But I do have interest, lol
As the title states, I want to start a business. I already have an idea, and I have also thought of ways to monetize it.The idea I have in mind is creating a website where people can create outfits with real clothing. They can drag items onto a model and see if the clothing items fit well together. Additionally, users can search for generic themes like "summer vibes" to get inspiration and find clothes that fit that search term. I have more ideas, but those are for later.Now I am wondering if someone would like to be my partner in this journey. I will handle all the coding work, but I need someone creative who can design. You should also not be afraid to make calls and find ways to promote the site.P.S. I don't have a site name yet.

Let me know if you are interested.
I also had done a few websites designs on WIX for some people, studied art and things like economy. I think I could be a very positive additional, fuck, let's do it
As the title states, I want to start a business. I already have an idea, and I have also thought of ways to monetize it.The idea I have in mind is creating a website where people can create outfits with real clothing. They can drag items onto a model and see if the clothing items fit well together. Additionally, users can search for generic themes like "summer vibes" to get inspiration and find clothes that fit that search term. I have more ideas, but those are for later.Now I am wondering if someone would like to be my partner in this journey. I will handle all the coding work, but I need someone creative who can design. You should also not be afraid to make calls and find ways to promote the site.P.S. I don't have a site name yet.

Let me know if you are interested.
I'd use it

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