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Does Creatine cause facial bloating?

it absoloutely does, i started taking it few months ago and was taking progress pictures and realized my face getting chubbier and not much results on muscles and when i looked it up it diiid end up bloating my face, creatine does not increase your testosterone or ur strength that much it just puts water in your muscles, try other supliments
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thank you for all the responses, i thought so. I just wanted to see other people’s opinions on it as well
Also no point in using
Should I use it until my cut is done (like 12% BF) or is still useless to take?

Because I don't care how I look right now, I'm not even at/under 15% BF... (17% right now)
You should. Except for bloating, there are barely any side effects. DHT going up maybe, but unless you have hormonal problems, it’s nothing
Should I use it until my cut is done (like 12% BF) or is still useless to take?

Because I don't care how I look right now, I'm not even at/under 15% BF... (17% right now)
well use it if you don't care abt ur face bloating it would actually help with muscle size
Just like minoxidil, creatine face bloating side effects can be stopped by cutting salt in your diet (unless you use a pinch of salt around your workouts for electrolytes), and i mean cutting all the refined salt from your diet, junk food included. And you increases your potassium chloride as a salt substitute. Optional, but increasing caffeine (from coffee) and adding more light cardio can be useful for debloating, under creatine, minoxidil or none of them
this is definetly debatable
for me i've used it and seen a significant increase in my strength and energy
physique has improved dramtically too
i've experienced very little facial bloating as well
You can get it naturally from meat
You can get it naturally from meat
common misconception the amount of creatine in meat is extremely low and you would need to eat an insane amount of meat causing facial bloating in the process. That’s like me saying eating Ice Cream is a good way to get protein, since it might have a gram or two
common misconception the amount of creatine in meat is extremely low and you would need to eat an insane amount of meat causing facial bloating in the process. That’s like me saying eating Ice Cream is a good way to get protein, since it might have a gram or two
You don’t need a ton of creatine
To naturally operate

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