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Does ingesting collagen work?


Sep 17, 2024
I have seen videos of people who say that ingesting collagen in powder/pills doesn't work but now I have seen some guides that say the contrary. As far as I thought if you ingest collagen your body decomposes it and there's not a 100% certain chance that it makes collagen out of it. So I'm confused.
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Just eat animal based with animal fats and your collagen should be fine
I do, since kid I always loved meat (cow and chicken) and I live in a country where we produce it so it's not as hard to get like in other countries. I also always loved milk and eggs. When I started going to gym I started paying even more attention to eating those things for protein. However I feel I lack collagen because I have nasolabial folds and pimples all over my face. So it's something I worry.
I do, since kid I always loved meat (cow and chicken) and I live in a country where we produce it so it's not as hard to get like in other countries. I also always loved milk and eggs. When I started going to gym I started paying even more attention to eating those things for protein. However I feel I lack collagen because I have nasolabial folds and pimples all over my face. So it's something I worry.
Then it means your body is stressed or your eating not great foods. or the nasolabials are genetic
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try to eat natural
if your gonna take supps dont take too much
Currently only eating normal food (veggies and meat). I do make the effort to eat 2 orange and drink 1 lemon everyday to get enough vitamin c. Is it a good decision?
Currently only eating normal food (veggies and meat). I do make the effort to eat 2 orange and drink 1 lemon everyday to get enough vitamin c. Is it a good decision?
you dont need to eat a lot of veggies
eat other fruits as well
The one thing Sv3ridge was right about
Jfl hes correct about many things, some things are questionable but pretty much every video on his YouTube channel is legit
Currently only eating normal food (veggies and meat). I do make the effort to eat 2 orange and drink 1 lemon everyday to get enough vitamin c. Is it a good decision?
dont eat vegetables and you dont need to consume lemons or oranges unles you want to. eat liver instead
Jfl hes correct about many things, some things are questionable but pretty much every video on his YouTube channel is legit
Yea he is I’m just trolling. But every time he says someone’s being a slave I be weak af lmfaooo

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