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Discussion Does the masai jump actually increase height?


Jul 31, 2024
Im 170cm at 13 turning 14 in 2 months. I have read about the Masai jump to increase height, does this work and how much times should it be repeated to see results l?
Im 170cm at 13 turning 14 in 2 months. I have read about the Masai jump to increase height, does this work and how much times should it be repeated to see results l?
jumping doesn't increase of that was true
then frogs and kangaroos would have been tallest animals

seriously it doesn't work
Im 170cm at 13 turning 14 in 2 months. I have read about the Masai jump to increase height, does this work and how much times should it be repeated to see results l?
Relax bro you're in like the 7th or 8th grade. when I was a freshmen I was 164cm now I'm 189 at 16 and still growing.
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Relax bro you're in like the 7th or 8th grade. when I was a freshmen I was 164cm now I'm 189 at 16 and still growing.
Oh damn, Im in 9th grade rn. Got any tips?
Oh damn, Im in 9th grade rn. Got any tips?
eat balanced diet and workout to increase testosterone, I got very lucky because I've nearly grown to my potential and I ate low nutrient shitty processed diet with a lot of sweets, so make sure you have good genetics, my dad is 6'3.
Im 170cm at 13 turning 14 in 2 months. I have read about the Masai jump to increase height, does this work and how much times should it be repeated to see results l?
Yea dont fall for the AP skyscraper method, generally since you're 5'7 you'll probably reach 6'+ by end of puberty considering a good lifestyle and diet.
IT maybe increases growth? The Maasai are tall from diet mainly though
Eat a natural diet (maybe with sugar as well), and sleep and you should grow to the predicted height
It's not the masaai jumps that increase your height. Since you are young, your growth plates are already open and masaai jumps will only increase the microfractures in your legs. If you stretch these microfractures you can grow taller.

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