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Discussion Dont claim to have good genetics if


Jul 4, 2019
IMG_20240904_153034_285.jpgYou have zero data to back it up. Even being tall isn't proof you carry good genetics. The only be all end all of seeing what you have is take a genetics test to show what carriers you have and to match that with your current traits. Is it dominant? Is it recessive?

Take a genetics test. You can use it to your advantage to ascend. You can maximize what you have and minimize your risks.

Go on prometheus and take it. Your life will change. IMG_20240904_153006_207.jpg
View attachment VID_75390331_072854_727.mp4
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I genuinely have the worst genetics in this forum for body-building.
You won't know till you test it bro. Trust I thought so too. Now I know I have gene associated with strength athletes
Maybe, but I have extremely visible scoliosis and metabolism issue.

My parents won't check me for the second one for some reason and refused to treat my scoliosis are a child so my body looks disgusting from the neck down.

As an adult I will get a brace and do some tests for my metabolism issue.
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Maybe, but I have extremely visible scoliosis and metabolism issue.

My parents won't check me for the second one for some reason and refused to treat my scoliosis are a child so my body looks disgusting from the neck down.

As an adult I will get a brace and do some tests for my metabolism issue.
I got bad genes for heart attack in some degree also have genes associated with adhd and some autism however it's recessive. So many things I learned that strengthens my security but also makes me aware what I'm at risk at if I let myself become unhealthy and fat.
@sigma You might have 2 dominate high iq gene
lol thanks
but isnt IQ weakly linked to genes? its more about environment
im not going to give my genes to a corporation, just gonna live my life
but wow 0.44% bad genes is insane
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Maybe, but I have extremely visible scoliosis and metabolism issue.

My parents won't check me for the second one for some reason and refused to treat my scoliosis are a child so my body looks disgusting from the neck down.

As an adult I will get a brace and do some tests for my metabolism issue.
Most parents don't want to get genes tested because it also shows what they gave you. It's super ignorance and don't blame them. You have freedom and knowledge to choose what you learn about yourself. So take matters into your own hands brother.
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lol thanks
but isnt IQ weakly linked to genes? its more about environment
im not going to give my genes to a corporation, just gonna live my life
but wow 0.44% bad genes is insane
Well it also can tell you what you will likely die from. That's got a strong correlation. For me it's prostate cancer however I believe it's mostly old age risk. That's why I'm into bio hacking to minimize my risks.
anyone who thinks cancer or heart problems or anything like that is genetic is beyond naive
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anyone who thinks cancer or heart problems or anything like that is genetic is beyond naive
It's 100% epigentics and there is high correlation to heart issues in my family. Every single one of my family members have had heart attacks that are men. I do legit genetic test and it says I have high risk of it effecting me later in life. There is genes that get flipped on or off depending on life style and if can effect people worse or better depending on how you live. There is nothing naive about knowing what your at risk at
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anyone who thinks cancer or heart problems or anything like that is genetic is beyond naive

"Heritability estimates indicate that 30-60% of the risk for coronary artery disease (CAD) stems from genetic factors. This means genetics play a substantial role in heart disease risk"

"Family history is a significant risk factor. Having a parent with premature CAD increases offspring risk by 60-75%. In identical twins, the risk of death from CAD is 3-15 times higher if the other twin died of CAD before age 75."

"Genome-wide association studies have identified over 60 genetic variants associated with increased risk of coronary artery disease and heart attacks. This provides direct evidence of genetic contributions"
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"using polygenic risk scores found that individuals with coronary artery disease and higher genetic risks had a 77% increased risk for sudden cardiac death"
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"using polygenic risk scores found that individuals with coronary artery disease and higher genetic risks had a 77% increased risk for sudden cardiac death:

"Many cardiac disorders can be inherited, including arrhythmias, congenital heart disease, cardiomyopathy, and high blood cholesterol "

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