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Info Dry Personality: The Silent Relationship Killer.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2023
Dry Personality has become a growing problem with people in this generation. I have increasingly heard from people (predominantly women) about relationships lost or ending because of their counterparts' dry personality. I have a group of girls that I've been friends with since Junior High, and I've grown to understand more how they react to certain situations, and behaviors of men. Albeit, this isn't coming from a very diversified portfolio, but there is one major recurring theme everywhere and all over the internet: Dry personality, and the disinterest that is usually associated with it!

Signs of Dry Personality:
Texting Behaviors:
One of my friends absolutely HATES dry texting. She thought her man was the driest of the dry, and his responses usually included one word answers (Yeah! Sure...) She would talk about it all the time, but when I told him she thought he was dry, He was like "What!? She's literally the driest person I've ever talked to!" I believe that when one party is dry, it rubs off on the other party, until there is a weak connection in which both parties dissociate.

Limited Emotions: Men have generalized the idea of not showing emotions. In this way, men seem more in control of their lives, and resistant to vulnerability, that is associated with weak people. You should be able to express emotions to your partner of interest, because the latter shows that you aren't interested. If you don't show emotions, then, do you really have a personality worth pursuing? You cannot expect others to find interest in a nonexistent personality, no matter how attractive you are!

Minimal Engagement: If you are not actively engaged in the person of interest's life, that comes across as a big fat red flag on disinterest! You engage by doing things with or for the other person! If you live a very busy life, you'll have to work extra hard to show interest. I have friends that consistently show personalities and interest worth fighting for! Last year, one bought the friend group our favorite coffee, and even got us a Christmas present. Another and I performed in our state's All-State show choir, back in August, and our other friends drove the hour and came to support us! (That was the first time someone has bought me flowers, and as a guy that means a lot to me!) My birthday is late November, and they arranged a surprise party for me (football as always in my life, effed up the plans!), but then rescheduled for yesterday morning, in which we went for coffee before school, and they got me a gift basket full of candy ( capitalizing on my weakness), a gift card for that local coffee shop, and a framed picture of us after a show choir competition last year. They represent the exact nature of people who go out of their way to be interested and involved in the lives of the people they care about.

Attractive people fall victim to this phenomenon all the time! Ultimately, looks can't carry you in your search for a relationship worth keeping! A personality that's interesting, an engagement that makes others feel special, and level of connection are important things that we tend to overlook. Remember: Dry personalities lead to disinterest!! Do y'all agree??


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