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JFL dystopia


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2023
why does every girl i start to like either have a boyfriend or is too busy do anything with me and has 5 kids

i get no love from anybody.

and there is always this feeling there are no jobs. Like if i get a job i will just be taking a job from somebody else because there aren't enough jobs to go around. So i work at home and barely make any income, not enough income to impress females with. And im comfortable with that, its better than having a 9 to 5 working at a factory or fastfood joint.

might have to actually do social media cringe such as joining a dating site or fakebook to find any romance, shit is cringe and i dont want zuck collecting my data.
might have to start approaching instead or something
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might have to start approaching instead or something
i tried that already, its just red pill cope

when i approach i dont feel cis at all, just like a desperate red pill zombie trudging thru mud

only time i feel cis is if a woman thirsts and lusts for me, then i feel as if i am a guy of anime
i tried that already, its just red pill cope

when i approach i dont feel cis at all, just like a desperate red pill zombie trudging thru mud

only time i feel cis is if a woman thirsts and lusts for me, then i feel as if i am a guy of anime
what about increasing social group? if not dating sites might be an option

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