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Discussion elite gym maxxing

obviously dont be a fatty or ed
but lets be honest gym will not save a facially ugly man with bad genes
I have never saw a aesthetic phisque in real life so it's probably more rare than a good looking face because think about it good muscle insertions are extremely rare I have seen good looking people but less good looking phisques/muscle insertions
obviously dont be a fatty or ed
but lets be honest gym will not save a facially ugly man with bad genes
If your ltn or mtn and you gymmax your fine but if your sub5 it's over but even as a sub5 you will still be able to slay sub5 women and ltbs
You can be an ltn but if you have a good phisque like the ones below you will do just fine obviously not the anime one
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  • #6
obviously dont be a fatty or ed
but lets be honest gym will not save a facially ugly man with bad genes
exactly, I am not a redpill coper but imagine a chadlite face on an instagram-esqe aesthetic body, plus 6’2”

like basically picture Brae or Rorz
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  • #10
what’s you alls favorite training split

PPL for me or sometimes upper/lower depending on the circumstances
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  • #16
I've been doing PPL 3-5x per week for the last year, though recently I have been less consistent.
yeah this is basically what I do, I lift weights like 3-4 times a week (I don’t want to overtrain as I am still growing) but play basketball and sprint or jump rope almost everyday.
Unfortunately would look better w/o muscle
proof that women want a muscular man:

also just think about it, do you really think that some skinny twink, even if he is gl, will have that raw sex appeal?

let’s discuss and share knowledge to become sexy ash
Not sure if that's effective outside of the sex appeal. Looking bigger makes people see you as more aggressive and unpleasant to deal with, which is kinda bad esp if you work with people. Also, not that good for relationships. There was a study that showed that despite prefering muscular bodies for sex, women prefer "skinny twinks" for relationships.

So, it's kinda a question of what do you want. My dad has a bodycount of 1k+, so makes no sense for me to just go for BC. Will be mogged by him in that area anyways. Being a twink is better for getting an 8+ girl in a relationship + working with people
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  • #23
Not sure if that's effective outside of the sex appeal. Looking bigger makes people see you as more aggressive and unpleasant to deal with, which is kinda bad esp if you work with people. Also, not that good for relationships. There was a study that showed that despite prefering muscular bodies for sex, women prefer "skinny twinks" for relationships.

So, it's kinda a question of what do you want. My dad has a bodycount of 1k+, so makes no sense for me to just go for BC. Will be mogged by him in that area anyways. Being a twink is better for getting an 8+ girl in a relationship + working with people
disagree, I am not talking about becoming super big or a gymcel, pretty much frame maxxing and staying somewhat natural

You won’t disgust most people as a natty tbh, also the study you quoted sounds like bs
Gym is one of the best softmaxxes, you can literally change your bones density, thickness and even length if you just adapt your training to focus more on exerting forces to the bones rather than trying to build muscle.People can say "Oh, 10 years is too much time for only 2 inches of height increase", well it's better than getting humongously big or you fake saving up for LL knowing you aint getting that shit. Either way if you want exercises, look for exercises that exert dynamic torsional forces onto the leg bones. This also includes arms as they are easier to lengthen. Epiphysial tapping, vibration therapy, and torsional load all combined can really lengthen bones over years. As for spine, decompression is the only way but I've been experimenting with some methods.
obviously dont be a fatty or ed
but lets be honest gym will not save a facially ugly man with bad genes

These gymcel’s will absolutely never understand it.

Never will they.

Never, never and never.

That it’s not muscle that makes one look aesthetic.

What makes the physiques from David Laid and Brad Pitt look so much more pleasing to the eyes then the one from gymcel Jeff Nipples.

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