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Info Elixir s transformation guide (must read for pubertycels)


🦅 Was Leader of the birds on .org 🦅
Sep 20, 2024
The @enchanted_elixir transformation


As you see in the picture above elixir ascended by at least 4 psl in just 3 years of taking roids + other looksmaxxes.

How do I acchive that? you ask :monkahmm:

Here is his stack with explanation and doses :poggers:

1. Accutane (he did not specify the dose)

- it should be obvius (skin)

2. 300mg test cyp every week Cruise

-Promotes dimorphism and bonemass + boosts colagen and helps accutane do his job

3. 4 iu hgh ed

-for heightmaxxing (he went from 5'9 - 6'1) + anti aging properties

4. T4/t3 50mg/12.5mg ed

- helps heightmaxxing + boosts metabolizem (in his case to loose weight)

5. 20mg anavar preworkout

-Coolagen + good pumps at the gym

6. Flurbiprofen 100mg ed

-Stimulates osteoblast/osteoclast acctivity, promoting more bone growth.

7. Diuretics (didn t specify witch)

-helps you get "holow cheeks" by clensing your body of water

8. Lyrica/pregabalin (didn t specify the dose)

-for nt maxxing (for autist like me, that can t talk to women without drugs)

9. Aromasin 12.5 mg ed

- debloats you + delays the growth plate closing.

10. Topical dut

- helped his nw2 hairline

11. Adderall

- for school-maxxing

his softmaxxing/hardmaxxing regiment:

- Rhinoplasty ?
- eyebrow botox ?
- lip surgey (didn't specify)

- minox on eyebrows
- mewing
- thumbpulling
- dreads
- basic skincare
- eyelid pulling
- chewing


@MA_ascender @sigma @Pau Torres @Incognito @Hernan @alurmo @Chudlite @glamourpursuer @Clone @fable @osteochondromyxoma @Ben07 @RainbowDash
The @enchanted_elixir transformation

View attachment 42182

As you see in the picture above elixir ascended by at least 4 psl in just 3 years of taking roids + other looksmaxxes.

How do I acchive that? you ask :monkahmm:

Here is his stack with explanation and doses :poggers:

1. Accutane (he did not specify the dose)

- it should be obvius (skin)

2. 300mg test cyp every week Cruise

-Promotes dimorphism and bonemass + boosts colagen and helps accutane do his job

3. 4 iu hgh ed

-for heightmaxxing (he went from 5'9 - 6'1) + anti aging properties

4. T4/t3 50mg/12.5mg ed

- helps heightmaxxing + boosts metabolizem (in his case to loose weight)

5. 20mg anavar preworkout

-Coolagen + good pumps at the gym

6. Flurbiprofen 100mg ed

-Stimulates osteoblast/osteoclast acctivity, promoting more bone growth.

7. Diuretics (didn t specify witch)

-helps you get "holow cheeks" by clensing your body of water

8. Lyrica/pregabalin (didn t specify the dose)

-for nt maxxing (for autist like me, that can t talk to women without drugs)

9. Aromasin 12.5 mg ed

- debloats you + delays the growth plate closing.

10. Topical dut

- helped his nw2 hairline

11. Adderall

- for school-maxxing

his softmaxxing/hardmaxxing regiment:

- Rhinoplasty ?
- eyebrow botox ?
- lip surgey (didn't specify)

- minox on eyebrows
- mewing
- thumbpulling
- dreads
- basic skincare
- eyelid pulling
- chewing


@MA_ascender @sigma @Pau Torres @Incognito @Hernan @alurmo @Chudlite @glamourpursuer @Clone @fable @osteochondromyxoma @Ben07 @RainbowDash
Thanks 👍

Wtf is eyelid pulling? Sounds retarded af. Also how old is enchanted elixir?
The @enchanted_elixir transformation

View attachment 42182

As you see in the picture above elixir ascended by at least 4 psl in just 3 years of taking roids + other looksmaxxes.

How do I acchive that? you ask :monkahmm:

Here is his stack with explanation and doses :poggers:

1. Accutane (he did not specify the dose)

- it should be obvius (skin)

2. 300mg test cyp every week Cruise

-Promotes dimorphism and bonemass + boosts colagen and helps accutane do his job

3. 4 iu hgh ed

-for heightmaxxing (he went from 5'9 - 6'1) + anti aging properties

4. T4/t3 50mg/12.5mg ed

- helps heightmaxxing + boosts metabolizem (in his case to loose weight)

5. 20mg anavar preworkout

-Coolagen + good pumps at the gym

6. Flurbiprofen 100mg ed

-Stimulates osteoblast/osteoclast acctivity, promoting more bone growth.

7. Diuretics (didn t specify witch)

-helps you get "holow cheeks" by clensing your body of water

8. Lyrica/pregabalin (didn t specify the dose)

-for nt maxxing (for autist like me, that can t talk to women without drugs)

9. Aromasin 12.5 mg ed

- debloats you + delays the growth plate closing.

10. Topical dut

- helped his nw2 hairline

11. Adderall

- for school-maxxing

his softmaxxing/hardmaxxing regiment:

- Rhinoplasty ?
- eyebrow botox ?
- lip surgey (didn't specify)

- minox on eyebrows
- mewing
- thumbpulling
- dreads
- basic skincare
- eyelid pulling
- chewing


@MA_ascender @sigma @Pau Torres @Incognito @Hernan @alurmo @Chudlite @glamourpursuer @Clone @fable @osteochondromyxoma @Ben07 @RainbowDash
bro got banned so hes back trashing enchanted jfl
The @enchanted_elixir transformation

View attachment 42182

As you see in the picture above elixir ascended by at least 4 psl in just 3 years of taking roids + other looksmaxxes.

How do I acchive that? you ask :monkahmm:

Here is his stack with explanation and doses :poggers:

1. Accutane (he did not specify the dose)

- it should be obvius (skin)

2. 300mg test cyp every week Cruise

-Promotes dimorphism and bonemass + boosts colagen and helps accutane do his job

3. 4 iu hgh ed

-for heightmaxxing (he went from 5'9 - 6'1) + anti aging properties

4. T4/t3 50mg/12.5mg ed

- helps heightmaxxing + boosts metabolizem (in his case to loose weight)

5. 20mg anavar preworkout

-Coolagen + good pumps at the gym

6. Flurbiprofen 100mg ed

-Stimulates osteoblast/osteoclast acctivity, promoting more bone growth.

7. Diuretics (didn t specify witch)

-helps you get "holow cheeks" by clensing your body of water

8. Lyrica/pregabalin (didn t specify the dose)

-for nt maxxing (for autist like me, that can t talk to women without drugs)

9. Aromasin 12.5 mg ed

- debloats you + delays the growth plate closing.

10. Topical dut

- helped his nw2 hairline

11. Adderall

- for school-maxxing

his softmaxxing/hardmaxxing regiment:

- Rhinoplasty ?
- eyebrow botox ?
- lip surgey (didn't specify)

- minox on eyebrows
- mewing
- thumbpulling
- dreads
- basic skincare
- eyelid pulling
- chewing


@MA_ascender @sigma @Pau Torres @Incognito @Hernan @alurmo @Chudlite @glamourpursuer @Clone @fable @osteochondromyxoma @Ben07 @RainbowDash
4iu hgh? noone is growing that much from that, you need 8iu+ everyday for real results.
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